Step by Step Todo module Chapter2 - mymagic/open_hub GitHub Wiki
Currently your Todo module is not doing much other than displaying static page content. Let's build a CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete) function with database to manage user generated todo list.
We use Yee in this tutorial to create database table and model code thru
below just to demo how code generation works. The proper and also a better way is to implementinstallDb()
so your module is distributable and database setup is done along with module installation.
- Create a new file
folder, with content:
return array(
'layout' => 'layouts.backend',
'isDeleteDisabled' => false,
'menuTemplate' => array(
'index'=>'admin, create',
'update'=>'admin, create, view',
'view'=>'admin, create, update, delete',
'admin' => array(
'list' => array('id', 'title', 'user_id', 'date_added', 'date_modified'),
'structure' => array(
// this foreignKey is mainly for crud view generation. model relationship will not use this at the moment
'foreignKey' => array(
'user_id'=>array( 'relationName'=>'user', 'model'=>'User', 'foreignReferAttribute'=>'username'),
'neo4j' => array (
'attributes' => array(
'id' => 'string',
'title' => 'string'
Please refer Neo4J Data Structure to get a glimpse on the data type available.
- Generate the model with yee at
- Set
Table Name
value totodo
.Model Class
value will be automatically populated. - Set
model path
value toapplication.modules.todo.models
- Set
module name
value totodo
- Make sure
build relations
andbuild extend class
are checked - Make sure
Build Neo4J OGM Class
andUse Column Comments as Attribute Labels
are left unchecked
- Set
- Click
and then clickGenerate
- Click on
CRUD Generator
on the left side of the screen(or access it at
)- Set
Model Class
- Set Make sure
Controller ID
- Set
- Click Preview and then click Generate
- Now, you may access backend to manage todo records from
- Inserting Access - Insert Access to limit an access to the Action
1.Click Create Todo
on the side menu bar on the right. You will see a list of users in the dropdown field of form which doesn't looks right and should be removed. We would keep track of who created the record when a new Todo record is created and saved to database. This should be done automatically in model beforeSave
using data from user's browser session to prevent being the record from being tampered with.
- Edit
and remove this section:
<div class="form-group <?php echo $model->hasErrors('user_id') ? 'has-error':'' ?>">
<?php echo $form->bsLabelEx2($model,'user_id'); ?>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<?php echo $form->bsForeignKeyDropDownList($model, 'user_id'); ?>
<?php echo $form->bsError($model,'user_id'); ?>
- Refresh your browser and the User dropdown field should be removed from the form
- Open
and insert the following codes intobeforeValidate()
public function beforeValidate()
// custom code here
// ...
if($this->isNewRecord) {
$this->user_id = Yii::app()->user->id;
return parent::beforeValidate();
EXPLANATION: The code gets the user's id from the browser session and inserts it into user_id variable before the form is validated to be saved later.
You may realised that there is no easy way to access this page other than from the accessing URL directly. It will be more user friendly if we can browse for it from the main navigation system in backend.
- Edit
, undergetNavItems()
and insert the following case:
case 'backendNavService':{
return array(
'label' => Yii::t('backend', 'TODO'), 'url' => '#',
'visible' => Yii::app()->user->getState('accessBackend') == true,
'active' => $controller->activeMenuMain == 'todo' ? true : false,
'itemOptions' => array('class' => 'dropdown-submenu'), 'submenuOptions' => array('class' => 'dropdown-menu'),
'linkOptions' => array('class' => 'dropdown-toggle', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown'),
'items' => array(
array('label' => Yii::t('app', 'Todo'), 'url' => array('/todo/todo'), 'visible' => Yii::app()->user->getState('accessBackend') == true),
EXPLANATION: This code adds a new nav item to the dropdown on the main backend nav bar. 2. You should now be able to access the todo module page easily from the main navbar at the top via Services>TODO>Todo
Chapter 3 - Upgrade and link to Organization model