Module Config - mymagic/open_hub GitHub Wiki

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A standard module has the following configuration files inside config folder.

A module is not initialise to activate until the below configuration files are created. These are installation environment specification configurations:

  • module/config/main.php - setting specific for web applications and it override value in module/config/main.base.php
  • module/config/console.php - setting specific for command line console applications and it override value in module/config/console.base.php

OpenHub module configuration system follow hierarchical design to allow greatest flexiblity for super admin and developers overriding setting at each layer.

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Exposing a module variable to config

Your BoilerplateStartModule has a new variable called var1 where its value can be access anywhere in code with Yii::app()->getModule('boilerplateStart')->var1.


// use camelcase for class name with first character in uppercase
class BoilerplateStartModule extends WebModule
	public $var1;

        // more code...

You like to set a default value to it. By this we means the value will be commit to the code repository and available to the public when they download and install your module. If this value are the same for both web and console environments, you put it at /protected/boilerplateStart/modules/config/base.php:


return array(
    'modules' => array(
        'boilerplateStart' => array(
            'var1' => 'from config/base.php',

    // other configurations ....

But if you need var1 value to be different at both environment, for example, apple for web and orange for console environment, you will need to modify these environmental-base-configuration files respectively:

for /protected/boilerplateStart/modules/config/main.base.php:

return array(
	'modules' => array(
		'boilerplateStart' => array(
			'var1' => 'apple',

for /protected/boilerplateStart/modules/config/console.base.php

return array(
	'modules' => array(
		'boilerplateStart' => array(
			'var1' => 'orange',

In these config files, your will have some other settings that you do not encourage your super admin to modify. But for those you like to expose, hint of their existent is recorded at /protected/boilerplateStart/modules/config/main.dist.php and /protected/boilerplateStart/modules/config/console.dist.php:

return array(
	'modules' => array(
		'boilerplateStart' => array(
			'var1' => 'anything you like to change to',

In backend, through module interface, system admin will be able to take these *.dist.php file for reference to set their own /protected/boilerplateStart/modules/config/main.php and /protected/boilerplateStart/modules/config/console.php respectively.

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Changing Module URL

Module with name mentor will be access thru url likes by Yii framework rule. If you needs to change the URL to and still correctly point to mentor module, you should change it in the modules/mentor/config/main.php route section.

You should never rename the module folder directly to achieve this.

'components' => array(
    'urlManager' => array(
        'rules' => array(
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