Page Index - mhulse/ GitHub Wiki
132 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- a11y web development tips and tricks
- Adobe CEP extension making
- Adobe Lightroom: Defaults
- Adobe Lightroom: Tips
- Angular notes
- Anime Studio Pro 10
- Atom Editor tips
- Atom Packages and Settings
- Bash and shell scripting tips and tricks
- Basic ESLint setup
- BitBucket clone using GitHub for Mac
- Blackboxing Scripts in Chrome DevTools
- Bob Ross setup using water soluble paints
- Brew Node NPM Grunt tips
- CentOS Apache, and notes
- Clipy Clipboard extension app for macOS preferences
- Connecting to Mac virtual hosts from Parallels Windows
- Convert video to animated gif sequence in Photoshop
- Create Adobe Swatch Exchange color swatches from an image in Photoshop
- Customizing AdminLTE
- Django local dev
- Django local dev: Specifying the settings option in the virtual environment
- Django production dev
- Django tips
- El Capitan OS X fresh install default fonts
- Embed fonts in AS3 with TextInput component
- Error message checking script
- ESTK (ExtendScript Toolkit) preferences
- Example GitHub workflow and how to update Git sub modules
- Fedora installing Git and a few other tips
- Field recording
- Firefox: Tabs Mix Plus addon preferences
- Game design theory, tips, tricks and other
- Generating Pygment test files
- Git flow for pros
- Git permissions shared server environment
- Git(Hub) tips
- Github workflow tips
- Google spreadsheets import data, feed, xml, html …
- Guitar “notes” (pun intended)
- Home2
- Home5
- How to un register to vote in Lane County, Oregon
- Ideas for programming naming systems
- IIS Windows WordPress pretty urls
- ImageMagick, Ghostscript, poppler, jhead tips and tricks
- Inspirational sites
- Install python, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper in a brew environment
- Install SSH key on a server as an authorized key
- Installing Apache Tomcat on OS X Yosemite
- Installing Apache Tomcat using Homebrew on OS X Yosemite
- Installing Kodi on Fire TV
- IntelliJ IDEA tips
- IntelliJ shell scripting
- IntelliJ, Java and Gradle troubleshooting tips
- Java sdkman maven gradle (and spring boot)
- Java, JSP, JSTL, EL, Tomcat notes and tips
- JSON API Boilerplate Tip
- Linux Unix add, edit and remove users and groups
- macOS Java Android dev setup (Android Studio, Intellij Community Edition, etc.)
- macOS OpenCV
- macOS tips and tricks
- Microsoft Word tips
- Miscellaneous Django tips
- Misculaneous python tips, tricks and commands
- MongoDB on OS X with Homebrew
- My coat size measurements
- My favorite TV series episodes and movies
- MySQL basic, tricks and techniques
- MySQL tutorial: Record insertion with foreign key constraint
- node npm fix vulnerabilities tl;dr
- Notes: Logo Design Theory & Application Bootcamp
- npm install from public or private repos on GitHub or Bitbucket
- OS X boot disk and fresh install
- Parallels Virtual Machine Preferences
- Periodic Table of SEO
- Photoshop create frame animation from multiple files
- Photoshop Tips
- Placing credit freeze on child dependent
- Placing credit freezes
- PM2 Node.js Process Management
- PostgreSQL Django cheat sheet
- PostgreSQL tips
- PostgreSQL, psql, CentOS, Linux setup and notes
- Printful guideline cheat sheet
- Quickly access local development files servers on OS X from your Android or iPhone (or other mobile device)
- window pane manager preferences
- Repo name ideas
- Ricoh Theta notes
- Ruby tips
- Running different versions of Hugo from command line (sans Homebrew) using zsh
- SDKMAN! Install and manage Java versions not listed
- Setting up a new dev Mac
- Setting up a secure SSL HTTPS website using Apache on CentOS
- Setting up Linux server with SSH keygen for BitBucket
- Setup and use Python’s (v3.x) virtual environments using pyvenv
- Setup docker mongodb, mysql, redis …
- Setup SSH key for local dev box and use agent forwarding for servers
- Shopify, ShipStation, Printful to connect Etsy, Amazon and Ebay
- ST2: Monokai Theme
- ST2: Setup
- ST3: Projects & workspaces
- ST3: Setup
- Stop junk (snail) mail!
- Sun G size for my headz
- Swift 2 notes
- Tips for writing kids books
- tmux tips and shortcuts
- TOC test
- Trix are for kids you silly Octocat
- Upgrade bash on OS X
- Use SquidMan to access vhosts on Mac
- Useful psql commands
- Using FontDoctor to organize fonts
- Using gnu screen
- Using MySQL on macOS Mojave via Homebrew
- Using npm to install Bower locally and install dependencies as a run script
- Vagrant and VirtualBox on macOS X
- Vagrant tips and tricks
- Wacom mapping
- Web Component notes
- Web development website accessibility testing tools and websites (a11y)
- WebFaction Django Python tips notes
- WebFaction: Django mod_wsgi 4.2.8 Python 3.4
- WebStorm macOS centric notes, tips and tricks
- Wigglegrams or "stereographic drawings"...
- Wings 3D preferences
- Wings 3d tips
- XAMPP: Mac
- XAMPP: Windows
- “GitBan”: Kanban GitHub repository issue tracking