07:46 and I've been up since 4:50am with lots of ideas.
Ben chased me Thursday for salon ideas. Anna followed up yesterday days later about Anil Seth salon which is not happening until September/October. Need to respond to them.
But I still woke up with salon ideas
Dewey, James, Peirce seem to come up a lot
Jesse is up for it, I probably just need to get a date. He has an idea for a demonstration of how things that seem obvious/transparent (numbers) are not.
Poetry readings on clubhouse. Could do official ii event. Either close reading or else read-what-you-like
Repetition seems important. One option is for each participant to choose a single poem to read, with discussion, then re-reading by another participant
Or else focus on the sound, ask people to take notes and ask for repetitions of parts they liked (which emergently happens on good CH readings)
A Question of Bandwidth/The Medium is the Message
Looking at voice vs text vs video
Clubhouse vs discord vs phone vs internet phone
Correspondences by letter
Face-to-face interactions
Emails/texts, which are easily preserved (but cf Socrates et al: becomes unresponsive)
Transcripts of audio.
Basically: What have we learned from a year of being forced into new/old channels for communication?
Could be in person or maybe on clubhouse, or both (serially probably)
Salon on worldviews/assumptions
Geertz, Kuhn, Althusser, Foucault, Peirce, Destutt de Tracy, Steiner each describe interpretive explanations, paradigms, obviousnesses, discourses, interpretants, ideologies, mythologies (respectively) which are basically worldviews with big assumptions in them which are not obvious but affect what you perceive (or even what it is possible to perceive)
Even Wordsworth says that we half-create what we perceive (Tintern Abbey) which sounds a hell of a lot like predictive coding (which brings worldviews in line with current active inference models)
This means that not only is perception half creation, but its creation must be social. Therefore perception itself (like consciousness) must come in from the outside, at least partially.
Primary care relationships may start to lay down the tracks that eventually select a worldview?
Nurture over nature, but critically, the nurturer often cannot inspect their own assumptions in how they nurture
Walking salons (irl or clubhouse), with breaks to sit
How has a year of forced walking and sitting affected us?
How does walking alone affect us? Why hasn't it produced more Nietzsches? Just phones? Or perhaps it ha, but we don't know? Or won't know for a few generations?
Keats on inability to write
Chuang-tzu on blowing breath
Writing during the learning ascent (Pollan) vs after mastery