Packet Specifications - loldevs/leaguespec GitHub Wiki

Packet Specifications

Type Definition
0x07 Set Ownership
0x15 Set Ability Level
0x17 Effect Definition
0x22 Gold Reward
0x2F Champion Respawn
0x3F Set Level
0x40 Attention Ping
0x42 Play Emote
0x5E Set Death Timer
0x61 Movement Group
0x65 Damage Done
0x6F Item Purchase
0x85 Set Cooldown
0x98 Summoner Disconnect
0x9F Set Item Stacks
0xAE Set Health
0xC4 Attribute Group
0xE0 Set Team
0xE4 Gold Gain
0xFE Extended Type Packet

Set Ownership


Sets the owner of the given entity, for example a ward.

  • Packet type: 0x07
  • Owner: The entity (Ex: Ward)

Packet Structure

[4 bytes] - Owner Entity ID

Set Ability Level


Set the level of a champion ability.

  • Packet type: 0x15
  • Owner: The champion

Packet Structure

[uint8] - Ability ID
[uint8] - Skill Level
[byte] - Unknown

Effect Definition


Defines a new effect

  • Packet type: 0x17
  • Owner: The entity that uses the effect

Packet Structure

[uint16] - Effect ID
[null-terminated string] Effect Name

Gold Reward


Defines the amount of gold a given entity gains for a killed unit. This includes last-hits, kills and assist.

  • Packet type: 0x22
  • Owner: The receiving entity

Packet Structure

[4 bytes] - Receiver Entity ID
[4 bytes] - Killed Entity ID
[float] - Gold Gained

Champion Respawn


Is sent when a champion respawns.

  • Packet type: 0x2F
  • Owner: The champion

Packet Structure

[float] - X
[float] - Y
[float] - Current Mana

Set Level


Sets the level of a unit.

  • Packet type: 0x3F
  • Owner: The unit

Packet Structure

[uint8] - Level
[uint8] - Skill points

Attention Ping


Defines an attention ping.

  • Packet type: 0x40
  • Owner: 0

Packet Structure

[float] - X Position
[float] - Y Position
[4 bytes] - Target Entity ID (Might be 0)
[4 bytes] - Player Entity ID
[byte] - Ping Type

Play Emote


Plays an emote, such as dance, joke, etc.

  • Packet type: 0x42
  • Owner: The champion

Packet Structure

[byte] - Emote Type

Set Death Timer


Sets the death timer of a champion when he dies.

  • Packet type: 0x5E
  • Owner: The champion

Packet Structure

[4 bytes] - Killer Entity ID
[8 bytes] - Unknown
[float] - Death Timer in seconds
[2 bytes] - Unknown

Movement Group


Defines a movement action, might be more than one moving entity. Contains current unit location and the waypoints they plan to move along.

  • Packet type: 0x61
  • Owner: 0

Packet Structure

[uint32] - Timestamp in ms from start of game
[uint16] - Number of movement updates (numUpdates)
(repeat numUpdates times)
    [uint8] - Number of coordinates (numCoords) including start position
    [4 bytes] - Entity ID
    (if numCoords is odd)
        [1 byte] - Unknown
        (set numCoord = numCoord - 1)
    (if numCoord > 2)
        (repeat (floor((numCoord - 3) / 8) + 1) times)
            [byte] - Byte of the coordinates bitmask, one bit for every non-start coord, lsb -> msb
    [int16] - Starting X Position
    [int16] - Starting Y Position
    (repeat (numCoord / 2) times as i)
        (if: Bit for coordinate i is set)
            [int8] - X coord, relative to start x
            [int16] - X coord, absolute
        (set i = i + 1)
        (if: Bit for coordinate i is set)
            [int8] - Y coord, relative to start y
            [int16] - Y coord, absolute

Damage Done


Defines damage that one entity takes from another.

  • Packet type: 0x65
  • Owner: Receiving Entity

Packet Structure

[byte] - Type of damage
[4 bytes] - Receiver Entity ID
[4 bytes] - Source Entity ID
[float] - Amount of Damage

Item Purchase


Item purchase segment.

  • Packet type: 0x6F
  • Owner: The champion

Packet Structure

[uint32] - Item ID
[uint8] - Slot ID
[uint16] - Item Count on Slot
[byte] - Unknown

Set Cooldown


Sets the cooldown of an ability or item. The slots are:

Slot Spell
0 - 3 Abilities Q - R
4 - 9 Item slots 1 - 6 without trinket
10 Trinket slot
  • Packet type: 0x85
  • Owner: The champion

Packet Structure

[uint8] - Spell Slot ID
[float] - Total cooldown or 0.0 if current == total
[float] - Current cooldown or -1 if not on cooldown

Summoner Disconnect


Tells when a summoner disconnect in a game.

  • Packet type: 0x98
  • Owner: 0

Packet Structure

[4 bytes] - Champion Entity ID
[byte] - Unknown

Set Item Stacks


Sets the amount of stacks on an inventory slot.

  • Packet type: 0x9F
  • Owner: The entity

Packet Structure

[byte] - Slot ID
[uint16] - Item Count on Slot

Set Health


Sets an entities health.

  • Packet type: 0xAE
  • Owner: The entity

Packet Structure

[2 bytes] - Unknown
[float] - Max Health
[float] - Current Health

Attribute Group


Can update multiple attributes of multiple entities, e.g. Base AD, Crit chance, Movement speed.

  • Packet type: 0xC4
  • Owner: 0

Packet Structure

[4 bytes] - Timestamp in ms from start
[uint8] - Number of updates (numUpdates)
(repeat numUpdates times)
    [byte] - Goup bitmask (groupBM)
    [4 bytes] - Entity ID
    (repeat for each bit in groupBM)
        [4 bytes] - Attributes bitmask (attrMB)
        [uint8] - Size of all attributes
        (repeat for each bit in attrBM)
            [depending on attribute] - Attribute value

Set Team


Sets a team to the given entity.

  • Packet type: 0xE0
  • Owner: The entity

Packet Structure

[byte] - Team ID (0 - Blue, 1 - Purple)

Gold Gain


Increases the amount of gold a champion has. The sum of these packets will be the total gold of the champion.

  • Packet type: 0xE4
  • Owner: 0

Packet Structure

[4 bytes] - Receiver Entity ID
[float] - Amount gained

Extended Type Packet


Contains a packet with a type higher than 0xFF.

  • Packet type: 0xFE
  • Owner: Owner of the packet

Packet Structure

[uint16] - Packet ID
[size - 2 bytes] - Packet Data
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