Packet Specifications - loldevs/leaguespec GitHub Wiki
Type | Definition |
0x07 | Set Ownership |
0x15 | Set Ability Level |
0x17 | Effect Definition |
0x22 | Gold Reward |
0x2F | Champion Respawn |
0x3F | Set Level |
0x40 | Attention Ping |
0x42 | Play Emote |
0x5E | Set Death Timer |
0x61 | Movement Group |
0x65 | Damage Done |
0x6F | Item Purchase |
0x85 | Set Cooldown |
0x98 | Summoner Disconnect |
0x9F | Set Item Stacks |
0xAE | Set Health |
0xC4 | Attribute Group |
0xE0 | Set Team |
0xE4 | Gold Gain |
0xFE | Extended Type Packet |
Sets the owner of the given entity, for example a ward.
Packet type:
- Owner: The entity (Ex: Ward)
[4 bytes] - Owner Entity ID
Set the level of a champion ability.
Packet type:
- Owner: The champion
[uint8] - Ability ID
[uint8] - Skill Level
[byte] - Unknown
Defines a new effect
Packet type:
- Owner: The entity that uses the effect
[uint16] - Effect ID
[null-terminated string] Effect Name
Defines the amount of gold a given entity gains for a killed unit. This includes last-hits, kills and assist.
Packet type:
- Owner: The receiving entity
[4 bytes] - Receiver Entity ID
[4 bytes] - Killed Entity ID
[float] - Gold Gained
Is sent when a champion respawns.
Packet type:
- Owner: The champion
[float] - X
[float] - Y
[float] - Current Mana
Sets the level of a unit.
Packet type:
- Owner: The unit
[uint8] - Level
[uint8] - Skill points
Defines an attention ping.
Packet type:
- Owner: 0
[float] - X Position
[float] - Y Position
[4 bytes] - Target Entity ID (Might be 0)
[4 bytes] - Player Entity ID
[byte] - Ping Type
Plays an emote, such as dance, joke, etc.
Packet type:
- Owner: The champion
[byte] - Emote Type
Sets the death timer of a champion when he dies.
Packet type:
- Owner: The champion
[4 bytes] - Killer Entity ID
[8 bytes] - Unknown
[float] - Death Timer in seconds
[2 bytes] - Unknown
Defines a movement action, might be more than one moving entity. Contains current unit location and the waypoints they plan to move along.
Packet type:
- Owner: 0
[uint32] - Timestamp in ms from start of game
[uint16] - Number of movement updates (numUpdates)
(repeat numUpdates times)
[uint8] - Number of coordinates (numCoords) including start position
[4 bytes] - Entity ID
(if numCoords is odd)
[1 byte] - Unknown
(set numCoord = numCoord - 1)
(if numCoord > 2)
(repeat (floor((numCoord - 3) / 8) + 1) times)
[byte] - Byte of the coordinates bitmask, one bit for every non-start coord, lsb -> msb
[int16] - Starting X Position
[int16] - Starting Y Position
(repeat (numCoord / 2) times as i)
(if: Bit for coordinate i is set)
[int8] - X coord, relative to start x
[int16] - X coord, absolute
(set i = i + 1)
(if: Bit for coordinate i is set)
[int8] - Y coord, relative to start y
[int16] - Y coord, absolute
Defines damage that one entity takes from another.
Packet type:
- Owner: Receiving Entity
[byte] - Type of damage
[4 bytes] - Receiver Entity ID
[4 bytes] - Source Entity ID
[float] - Amount of Damage
Item purchase segment.
Packet type:
- Owner: The champion
[uint32] - Item ID
[uint8] - Slot ID
[uint16] - Item Count on Slot
[byte] - Unknown
Sets the cooldown of an ability or item. The slots are:
Slot | Spell |
0 - 3 | Abilities Q - R |
4 - 9 | Item slots 1 - 6 without trinket |
10 | Trinket slot |
Packet type:
- Owner: The champion
[uint8] - Spell Slot ID
[float] - Total cooldown or 0.0 if current == total
[float] - Current cooldown or -1 if not on cooldown
Tells when a summoner disconnect in a game.
Packet type:
- Owner: 0
[4 bytes] - Champion Entity ID
[byte] - Unknown
Sets the amount of stacks on an inventory slot.
Packet type:
- Owner: The entity
[byte] - Slot ID
[uint16] - Item Count on Slot
Sets an entities health.
Packet type:
- Owner: The entity
[2 bytes] - Unknown
[float] - Max Health
[float] - Current Health
Can update multiple attributes of multiple entities, e.g. Base AD, Crit chance, Movement speed.
Packet type:
- Owner: 0
[4 bytes] - Timestamp in ms from start
[uint8] - Number of updates (numUpdates)
(repeat numUpdates times)
[byte] - Goup bitmask (groupBM)
[4 bytes] - Entity ID
(repeat for each bit in groupBM)
[4 bytes] - Attributes bitmask (attrMB)
[uint8] - Size of all attributes
(repeat for each bit in attrBM)
[depending on attribute] - Attribute value
Sets a team to the given entity.
Packet type:
- Owner: The entity
[byte] - Team ID (0 - Blue, 1 - Purple)
Increases the amount of gold a champion has. The sum of these packets will be the total gold of the champion.
Packet type:
- Owner: 0
[4 bytes] - Receiver Entity ID
[float] - Amount gained
Contains a packet with a type higher than 0xFF.
Packet type:
- Owner: Owner of the packet
[uint16] - Packet ID
[size - 2 bytes] - Packet Data