Lobby REST Service - loldevs/leaguespec GitHub Wiki

This is a (probably incomplete) list of the service methods of LoL's REST service.

Player account id


Parameters :

  • version string, the REST version, now : v1
  • summonerName string, the summoner name
  • region string, the spectator (with the server id at the end) region, like NA1, EUW1, ...

Summoner game history


Parameters :

  • version string, the REST version, now : v1
  • region string, the region unique name, like NA, EUW, ... (note that this is the original region of the summoner if the summoner has transferred regions)
  • summonerAccountId string, the summoner account id

Filter : You can add some filters : ?begIndex={start}&endIndex={end}&champion={championId}&queue={queueId}

Game data


Parameters :

  • version string, the REST version, now : v1
  • region string, the spectator (with the server id at the end) region, like NA1, EUW1, ...
  • gameId long int, the game id, the game must be ended

Game timeline


Parameters :

  • version string, the REST version, now : v1
  • region string, the spectator (with the server id at the end) region, like NA1, EUW1, ...
  • gameId long int, the game id, the game must be ended

Return : All game keyframes, with some data, but spectator keyframes has more data.