Page Index - leiget/Godot_FPC_Base GitHub Wiki
26 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Section 01: Project Overview
- Section 02: Script
- Section 03: Math Terms and Functions Explained
- Section 04: Normals Explained
- Coordinate System
- Debug Scenes
- Design of Base.tscn Scene
- Design of Main.tscn
- Design of Player.tscn
- Dot Product
- Functions Explained In Depth
- Global Variables In Depth
- lerp()
- Normalization
- physics_process()
- Script
- pow()
- Quick Intro
- ready()
- Section 4: Normals Explained
- Structure of Project
- Summary of Contents of Script
- Transforms
- unhandled_input()
- Vectors and Normals