Page Index - lattice/quda GitHub Wiki
101 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Building QUDA
- Multi-GPU QUDA
- QUDA Solver Acceleration Strategies
- QUDA Gauge Algorithms and Utilities
- Using QUDA In Your LQCD applications
- QUDA Development
- Contributing to QUDA
- Resources
- Projects in development
- Case Studies: Pedagogical Instructions On Using Some of QUDA's Key Features
- Benchmarks
- Miscellaneous features
- QUDA calls
- CodeFests
- Miscellaneous
- (Stochastic) Laplace Heaviside (s)LapH spectroscopy
- Adding new Nc to Multigrid
- Adding new QUDA features
- agenda call 2015 03 26
- agenda call 2015 04 09
- agenda call 2015 04 23
- agenda call 2015 05 07
- agenda call 2015 05 28
- agenda call 2015 06 04
- agenda call 2015 06 18
- agenda call 2015 07 02
- Algorithm Ideas
- An Machine Learning Approach to Mobius Accelerated Domain Wall Fermion
- Benchmarks
- Bilinear Contractions
- Building QUDA With HIP
- Checking that new QUDA features preserve Dslash behavior
- Chroma ECP
- Chroma with QUDA
- Clover
- Clover Fermions
- CodeFest 5
- CodeFest Jlab January 2018
- Coding Conventions and Style
- Continuous Integration
- CPS with QUDA
- DEPRECATED: Installation using configure (autoconf) for QUDA 0.7.x
- External QUDA mods
- Gauge Measurements
- Gauge Smearing
- Heatbath
- HISQ MG for Measurements
- HISQ mixed precision deflation
- HISQ Stencil
- Installing MVAPICH2 GDR
- Kate To do
- KernelOps usage
- Laphnn work
- MILC with QUDA
- Minutes 2015 04 09
- Minutes 2015 04 23
- Minutes 2015 06 18
- Minutes from 5th March 2015 developer call
- Minutes=2015 05 07
- Mixed Precision
- MRHS to do list
- Multi GPU Support
- Multi GPU with NVSHMEM
- Multigrid Solver
- New Interface Planning
- OpenMPI with UCX
- OpenQxD with QUDA
- Preconditioning
- QIO and QMP
- QUDA (Optional) Dependencies
- QUDA 1.0 release testing and checklist
- QUDA Accessor Framework In Dslash Kernels. [WIKI PAGE WORK IN PROGRESS]
- QUDA Build With CMake
- QUDA calls
- QUDA Debugging
- QUDA Development model
- QUDA Environment Variables
- QUDA gauge fixing
- QUDA on Perlmutter
- QUDA on Summit
- QUDA Quick Start Guide
- QUDA Release Procedure
- QUDA Release Testing
- QUDA's eigensolvers
- Running some internal tests (blas, dslash, invert)
- Running the NERSC MILC Benchmarks
- Sextet Fermions
- Split Grid
- Staggered Multigrid Solver
- SYCL port
- Tensor Cores
- The Exact One Flavor Algorithm (EOFA)
- The Multi Splitting Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (MSPCG), an application of the additive Schwarz Method
- Timing QUDA build
- Twisted clover deflated multigrid
- Updating the QUDA Interface
- Validating Large Multigrid Changes
- Writing QUDA Kernels