add support for passing gauge field without anti periodic factors included and add them in QUDA (optional?)
quibble: in performGaugeSmearQuda, if you don't ask for topo charge to be computing, it still outputs it, but output is nonsense
eigensolveQuda on smeared config
expose boolean to eig pram struct whether to use smeared or not
then in set Dirac param can set if needed to use smeared or not
plaqQuda on smeared config
need to set block_size = 1 to download the first evector
kappa normalization for 3-d Laplace is borked
routine should return a bool to indicate if converged or not??
eigenvalues returned in eigensolveQuda are not correct for trlm3d: only nev values, not one for each time: in EigenSolver::cleanUpEigensolver, there is a line evals.resize(n_conv);
eigenvalues are not in ascending order on each time (I think time slices that converged earlier are ordered, but the last several that converged last are not)
get tuning working for time slices split across ranks
in the short term switch off autotuning at the point of divergence and reenable when converged
a little clean up of parameter checking (checks fail for fields not needed, like inv_type)
will need an applyLaphPhaseConvention() to the Laph eigenvectors
-- the 0th color element for site (0,0,0) on each time slice is rephased to
be real and positive (rephasing each ev is tantamount to changing the noise)
-- this is already written for the CPU so this is low priority
the number of restarts with the quda version is significantly higher than the current chroma_laph version: try to understand why (on E250, chroma_laph takes just a handful, quda takes over 100)
timing goal: E250 96^3 x 192 lattice, 768 eigvec:
-- summit CPU solves: MPI ranks = 1536 Total wall time 7781 secs
-- time on summit just to READ the evs from file is 320 seconds for MPI ranks = 384.