MATT Temporary Tile Image - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki
Temporarily changes the image of a tile only for specific users; other users still see the original image.
Use this to directly switch a tile's image.
Use this to switch the image on the tile itself.
Use this to switch the image on the current tile collection
Use this to switch the image on all tiles with a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings.
- Tiles Tagger
Filepath to the temporary image.
This field accepts Handlebar Expressions.
Which users see the temporary image.
- Everyone
- Players Only
- GM Only
- Triggering Player
- Triggering Token Owner
- Current Tokens Owner
- Current Users
Use this to directly target a user in the player list to see the temporary image.
- Any change, refresh, or canvas redraw will remove the temporary image.
- Swapping to an animated image will not be animated, regardless of the tile's Animation tab settings.
- Foundry 12.330
- MATT 12.02