MATT Switch Tile Image - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Switch Tile Image

Switches the current image on the target tile to another of it's stored images; see Tile Images.

Use this to directly switch a tile's image.

This Tile

Use this to switch the image on the tile itself.

Use Tagger

Use this to switch the image on all tiles with a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings.

Change To

  • Any number corresponding to an image from the images tab of the targeted tile.
  • next
  • previous
  • first
  • last
  • random
  • Accepts Handlebar Expression values to swap to an image whose number matches that value.
  • Accepts dice notation.
  • Accepts a range of numbers, 3-5.
  • Accepts an array of numbers, 1, 2, 3, 7, 42.


An effect to be applied during the image swap.

$\color{yellow}{\textsf{Important}}$ See Known Issues below.

  • None
  • Blur (Blur's effect extends beyond its tile border)
  • Fade
  • Slide Left
  • Slide Up
  • Slide Right
  • Slide Down
  • Slide Random
  • Bump Left
  • Bump Up
  • Bump Right
  • Bump Down
  • Bump Random


How long it takes to complete one loop of the transition effect, in seconds.


How many times to repeat the transition effect. When using next, previous, or random, it will switch images for each loop performed.

$\color{yellow}{\textsf{Known Issues}}$

  • There's known issues with transitions since the start of V10.
    • They can occasionally cause a ghost image of the tile to appear on the players' screens. This will go away when the image is switched again, and then just flickers into existence briefly on subsequent triggers.
    • Can also just cause the image to not change.


  • This action only triggers when a Gamemaster-level user is logged in.
  • Alternate images are not preloaded. The tile image may temporarily vanish from user's screens whenever a new image is loading depending on their download speed.
  • A second image transition cannot be loaded until a previous one has finished. You may need to delay any subsequent image transitions if you have multiple happening in rapid succession on a tile.

Sample Tiles That Use This Action

Page Last Updated

MATT 11.25

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️