MATT Rotation - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki
This action is used rotate entities on the canvas.
Use this to directly rotate an entity; the following entity types are able to be targeted.
Use this to rotate the tile itself.
Use this to rotate the triggering token.
Use this to rotate all tokens within the triggering tile.
Use this to rotate all player tokens on the scene.
Use this to rotate the current token collection
Use this to rotate all entities of a valid type with a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings.
- Use
to set or modify your rotation. Space is Important. - Accepts Dice Notation to rotate a random amount.
+ [[1d6]]
- Accepts Handlebar Expressions to rotate an amount equal to a stored variable.
+ {{variable.valuename}}
- Accepts ternary operator to toggle between two values,
in the following example:= ({{entity.rotation}} || 0) == 10 ? 20 : 10
- Accepts clamp function;
= Math.clamped(({{entity.rotation}} + 10), 150, 200)
. -
$\color{yellow}{\textsf{Important}}$ : Foundry handles rotation by normalizing the value that gets set in rotation before it gets sent to the animation. So if your value is180
or greater, it will instead animate the rotation in the shortest way possible; the opposite direction that you have set with the operator. A value of360
will result in no rotation at all.
MATT 12.01