MATT Activate Deactivate - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki


This action is used to turn on/turn off lights, sounds, and tiles.

Use this to directly target an entity; the following entity types are able to be targeted.

This Tile

Use this to deactivate the tile itself (the tile can't activate itself once its deactivated).

Entities Within Triggering Tile

Use this to activate or deactivate all entities of the chosen type within the tile.

  • Lights
  • Sounds
  • Tiles

Current Action Collection

Use this to activate or deactivate the current action collection.

  • Lights
  • Sounds
  • Tiles

Use Tagger

Use this to activate or deactivate all entities of a valid type with a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings.


  • Deactivate
  • Activate
  • Toggle
  • From Previous Action


  • This action only triggers when a Gamemaster-level user is logged in.
  • Deactivating a tile will stop any queued actions from that tile from occurring.
  • Placing a Deactivate in the middle of the actions list will display a red line through any following actions until it reaches a Landing. This is merely cosmetic, to show that the following actions in this action thread will not occur.

Sample Tiles That Use This Action

Page Last Updated

MATT 11.12

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