Documentation - hpgDesigns/ GitHub Wiki
It is unnecessary, nor do we have the time or resources, to maintain two separate sets of documentation on ENIGMA and its sister projects. Therefore every now and again a version of this Wiki will be compiled and available to download for offline reading for people who do not wish to use the Wiki every time they need to search for a simple function.
Download the manual here, *insert link here when we get to it*
A basic overview of the core ENIGMA engine.
Actions, drag and drop icons to help introduce you to programming games
Events, help you determine when to have your objects use actions and perform tasks or execute code
Functions, are very similar to actions however they are written through code and are much more powerful
Variables, handle information and data such as how many lives a player has or how much ammo
Constants, overview of the built-in constant variables
Resources, are generally the files used in your game, such as images and sounds
ENIGMA supports and extends almost all of the Game Maker rendering techniques as well as implements extended API's to build on these methods.