Install HstWB Installer for Raspberry Pi OS Lite - henrikstengaard/hstwb-installer GitHub Wiki

Installation of HstWB Installer has been tested with following Raspberry OS Lite releases and Raspberry Pi models:

  • Raspberry Pi OS Lite release date October 30th 2021:
    • Raspberry Pi 400 tested on January 11th 2022.
    • Raspberry Pi 4 tested on January 11th 2022.
    • Raspberry Pi 3 B tested on January 13th 2022.


HstWB Installer for Raspberry Pi OS Lite has following prerequisites:

  • Raspberry Pi 400, 4 or 3 (B+) running with Raspberry Pi OS Lite.
  • Internet connection: Wired or WiFi.

See Install Raspberry Pi OS for steps to install Raspberry Pi OS.

Install HstWB Installer

Start installation of HstWB Installer with following steps:

  1. Install git with command:
sudo apt-get --assume-yes install git
  1. Change directory to home directory with command:
cd ~
  1. Download HstWB Installer with git clone command:
git clone
  1. Install HstWB Installer with command:

This will install HstWB Installer and go through following steps:

  1. Select Yes to install HstWB Installer.

  1. Select Yes to change Raspberry Pi OS boot to use HstWB Installer.
    • This will enable auto-start of Amiga emulator on boot.

  1. Select Yes to patch boot services.
    • This will improve boot speed.

  1. Select Yes to enable autologin.
    • This will useful remove the need to login, when Raspberry Pi OS is booted.
    • This also helps to auto-start Amiga emulator.

  1. Select Yes to delay network at boot.
    • This will improve boot speed.

  1. Select Yes to install and patch usbmount.
    • This will enable automount of USB FAT32 formatted devices, when attached to Raspberry Pi and are accessible from e.g. /media/usb0, /media/usb1, and so on for each device and partition.

  1. Select Yes to install Samba.
    • This will configure network shares for files transfer to and from Raspberry Pi users home directories using network connection.

  • Wait a few minutes depending on Raspberry Pi model for Samba to be installed.
  • See Network file transfer for login credentials and connections for Windows and macOS.

  1. Select Yes to force 1080p HDMI resolution, if Raspberry Pi model is 4 / 400 and 4K displays are used.
    • This will improve performance of Amiga emulators as 4K HDMI resolutions causes slow downs in Amiga emulators for Raspberry Pi model is 4 / 400 and 4K displays. It's also useful to force 1080p HDMI resolution for Raspberry Pi 3 B as Raspberry Pi OS Lite is configured with a VGA like resolution by default.

  1. Select Yes to install SDL2 from source code.
    • This will required for compiling Amiberry and will download, compile and install SDL2.

  1. Select SDL2 configuration matching your Raspberry Pi: Optimized for Raspberry Pi 4 / 400, 3 (B+) or Optimized for Raspberry Pi 2, 1 / Zero.

  • Wait 10-30 minutes depending on Raspberry Pi model for SDL2 and related libraries to be compiled and installed.

  1. Select Yes to install Amiberry from source code.
  • This is required for running Amiberry Amiga emulator and will download, compile and install Amiberry.

  1. Select Raspberry Pi model matching your Raspberry Pi: Raspberry Pi 4 / 400, Raspberry Pi 3 (B+), Raspberry Pi 2 or Raspberry Pi 1 / Zero.

  1. Select 32-bit operating system.

  1. Select SDL2 SDL2 target.

  • Wait a few seconds for git clone and update of Amiberry source code.
  1. Select Stable (master) Amiberry branch.

  1. Select Latest version of Amiberry.

  • Wait 10-30 minutes depending on Raspberry Pi model for Amiberry to be compiled and installed.

  1. Select Yes to use Amiberry as default Amiga emulator.

  1. Select Yes to install UAE4ARM from source code.
  • This is required for running UAE4ARM Amiga emulator and will download, compile and install UAE4ARM.

  1. Select Raspberry Pi model matching your Raspberry Pi: Raspberry Pi 4 / 400, Raspberry Pi 3 (B+), Raspberry Pi 2 or Raspberry Pi 1 / Zero.

  • Wait 10-30 minutes depending on Raspberry Pi model for UAE4ARM to be compiled and installed.

  1. Select Yes to use UAE4ARM as default Amiga emulator.

  1. Select Yes to enable fake KMS video driver.
  • This is required for running UAE4ARM Amiga emulator as it uses DispmanX. Without fake KMS video driver, UAE4ARM will show a black screen.
  • Both Amiberry and UAE4ARM Amiga emulators work with fake KMS video driver enabled.

  1. Select Yes to reboot and go through first time use steps.

HstWB Installer is now installed, ready to use and will reboot to first time use steps.

If something went wrong during install, installation can always be started again.

Continue with First time use for Raspberry Pi OS for steps to configure Kickstart roms for Amiga emulators and install HstWB Installer image.

Change asound card

Configured asound card defines where audio is played: HDMI or headphones.

Change asound card with following steps:

  1. Type hstwb and press enter to start HstWB Installer.

  2. Select Raspberry Pi OS and press enter.

  3. Select Change asound card and press enter.

  4. Select Yes to change asound card.

  5. Select sound card from list to use for playing audio.

    • List of asound cards with KMS video driver:
0 [vc4hdmi0       ]: vc4-hdmi - vc4-hdmi-0
1 [vc4hdmi1       ]: vc4-hdmi - vc4-hdmi-1
  • Select vc4-hdmi-0 to play sound through HDMI port 0.
  • Select vc4-hdmi-1 to play sound through HDMI port 1.

  • List of asound cards with Fake KMS video driver:
0 [b1             ]: bcm2835_hdmi - bcm2835 HDMI 1
1 [Headphones     ]: bcm2835_headpho - bcm2835 headphones
  • Select bcm2835 HDMI 1 to play sound through HDMI port 1.
  • Select Headphones to play sound through headphones.

Network file transfer

With Samba installed, files can be transferred to and from Raspberry Pi users home directories using network connection.

By default Samba network shares are configured following login credentials:

  • Username / Email address: pi
  • Password: raspberry

Connections, if Raspberry Pi has ip-address

  • Windows: \\\homes
  • macOS: smb://

On Windows, open File Manager and enter connection path in location.

On macOS, open Finder and from menu, click Go, Connect to Server and enter connection path.

Samba password can be changed by running smbpasswd command from shell.


HstWB Installer can be updated to latest version with following steps:

  1. Type hstwb and press enter to start HstWB Installer.

  2. Select Update to update HstWB Installer to latest version.

HstWB Installer will restart itself after updating is complete.


From shell HstWB Installer can be uninstalled with following steps:

  1. Change directory to home directory with command:
cd ~
  1. Uninstall HstWB Installer with command:

When uninstalled it should show a dialog with successfully uninstall of HstWB Installer.

Environment variables and paths

HstWB Installer for Raspberry Pi OS uses following environment variables and paths:

HSTWB_INSTALLER_ROOT = ~/hstwb-installer
AMIGA_HDD_PATH = ~/amiga/hdfs
AMIGA_KICKSTARTS_PATH = ~/amiga/kickstarts
AMIBERRY_EMULATOR_PATH = ~/amiga/emulators/amiberry
AMIBERRY_CONF_PATH = ~/amiga/emulators/amiberry/conf
UAE4ARM_EMULATOR_PATH = ~/amiga/emulators/uae4arm
UAE4ARM_CONF_PATH = ~/amiga/emulators/uae4arm/conf

These are stored in HstWB Installer config file ~/.hstwb-installer/

Known bugs and issues

  • Installing Amiberry or UAE4ARM from latest master or develop branch can potentially break due to changes in source code and dependencies. In such case install specific version from stable master branch and select last version that has been verified and tested, see Amiga emulators for Raspberry Pi.
  • Switching between KMS or Fake KMS video driver can result in no sound due to different asound cards. If no sound is played with Amiberry or UAE4ARM, see Change asound card to change asound card playing audio.
  • Music doesn't work for AGS2 menu packages due to emulator compatibility issue and can in some cases cause a lock up, but Amiga emulator can still be quit with F12. Current fix is to turn AGS2 music off by deleting the file SYS:Prefs/AGS2/ags2music.