Movie flags - galizia-lab/pyview GitHub Wiki

List of Flags

mv_bgColor mv_bitrate mv_correctStimulusOnset mv_cutborder
mv_displayTime mv_exportFormat mv_fgColor mv_FirstFrame
mv_fontName mv_indiScale3factor mv_individualScale mv_LastFrame
mv_lowerThreshPositiveResps mv_markStimulus mv_minimumBrightness mv_morphoThreshold
mv_percentileScale mv_percentileValue mv_reverseIt mv_rotateImage
mv_scaleLegendFactor mv_SpeedFactor mv_suppressMilliseconds mv_thresholdOn
mv_thresholdOnValue mv_thresholdScale mv_thresholdShowImage mv_upperThreshNegativeResps
mv_withinArea mv_withinMask mv_xgap mv_ygap


What does it do?

Specifies the color of annotation frame of the output movie. This is only used when the flag "SO_MV_colortable" is a string value specifying a matplotlib colormap. When it is an integer, the color of the annotation frame is the bottom-most color of the corresponding IDL SO_MV_colortable.

Default value: k

What values can it take?

A string value. Valid values are those which can be interpreted as matplotlib colors

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes

Related flags: SO_MV_colortable, mv_fgColor


What does it do?

Specifies the bitrate of the output. Only used when "mv_exportFormat" is specified to be a video codec. E.g.: 100k is 100 kilobits/s, 1M is 1 megabits/s

Default value: 1024k

What values can it take?

A string value. Typically powers of 2.

Are values expected to be in specific units?

Yes, bits per second.

Special Notes

Related flags: mv_exportFormat


What does it do?

Specifies the color of the text/patterns printed on the annotation frame of the output movie. This is only used when the flag "SO_MV_colortable" is a string value specifying a matplotlib colormap. When it is an integer, the color of text/patterns is the top-most color of the corresponding IDL SO_MV_colortable.

Default value: w

What values can it take?

A string value. Valid values are those which can be interpreted as matplotlib colors

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes

Related flags: SO_MV_colortable, mv_bgColor


What does it do?

Specifies the time delay in milliseconds between actual stimulus onset time and that specified in the column "StimON" in the measurement list file. Positive values mean that the stimulus comes later, negative that it comes earlier.

Default value: 0

What values can it take?

a float value.

Are values expected to be in specific units?

Yes. Milliseconds.

Special Notes



What does it do?

Specifies the number of pixels to remove (cut) from all sides of each movie frame. When set to 0, no pixels are removed.

Default value: 0

What values can it take?

An integer. Must be greater than or equal to 0, and smaller than half the width/height of a frame.

Are values expected to be in specific units?

Yes. Pixels.

Special Notes



What does it do?

Controls the font size of the time string in movie output. NOTE: Since all other fonts try to scale with the time string, this could be used to control the font size of all text in movie output.

Default value: 0.8

What values can it take?

A float value. Possibilities: 0: no time string is drawn. 1: time string is drawn, with an internally calculated appropriate font. (0, 1): try to make the font smaller than the internally calculated appropriate font. May not work if font size<8

1: try to make the font larger than internally calculated appropriate font.

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes

Timing information is inserted in the frame below the movie. Therefore, mv_ygap needs to be sufficiently > 0.


What does it do?

Specifies the type of movie output

Default value: libx264

What values can it take?

Can be one of the following:

  • single_tif: exports to single layer tif file
  • stack_tif: exports to multi layer tif file
  • libx264: exports to a compressed MP4 file with H264 encoding (very little loss of quality).
  • ayuv: export to an uncompressed AVI file with AYUV encoding

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes



What does it do?

Indicates a frame number, all frames before this frame will be excluded in movie output. First frame has number 0. Negative value will result in exclusion of no frames at the beginning.

Default value: 0

What values can it take?

An integer >= 0. First frame has number 0

Are values expected to be in specific units?

Yes. Frame number.

Special Notes



What does it do?

Indicates the name of the system font to use when adding colorbar to overviews. E.g.: 'DejeVuSans'. Use 'None' for a default internal font

Default value: None

What values can it take?

A string value. VIEW tries to find a font file with the specified name and either .ttf or .otf extension.

  • On Linux, you can open a terminal and issue the command fc-list to get a list of system font files.
  • On Windows, you can open Fonts Settings (Control Panel->Personalization->Fonts) and click on a font to see its font file name.
  • On Mac, you can find font file names using Font Book (not tested)

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes

Related flags: mv_displayTime, mv_markStimulus


What does it do?

Defines the central area to use when mv_individualScale=3. If it is set to 0.2, the central area is the part of the frame that remains after excluding 20% of frame width on left and right; and 20% of frame height on the top and bottom.

Default value: 0.2

What values can it take?

Fractional values between 0 and 0.5, excluding 0 and 0.5.

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes

Related flags: mv_individualScale


What does it do?

Specifies the upper and lower limits of movie data. In other words, specifies the data values that are to correspond to the bottom-most and top-most color of the colormap.

Default value: 0

What values can it take?

An integer value in either x or yx format (0-6, 10-16, 20-26). Valid values for x are:

  • 0 or 1: lower end is set to the value of the flag "SO_MV_scalemin" and the upper end to the value of the flag "SO_MV_scalemax"
  • 2: lower end is set to the minimum value of the entire movie, where "minimum" is interpreted based on the the flag mv_percentileScale. Similarly, the upper end is set to the maximum value of the entire movie.
  • 3: Similar to when 2, but the minimum and maximum values are calculated using a central region of the movie defined by the flag mv_indiScale3factor
  • 4: lower end is set to the flag SO_MV_scalemin, upper end is set as when 2.
  • 5: lower end is set to the minimum of the region defined by the mask contained in the associated ".Area" or ".area.tif" file in the folder "Coor". Similarly the upper end is set to the maximum of the region.
  • 6: lower end is set to the value of the flag SO_MV_scalemin, the upper end is set as in when 5.

Valid values for y are: 1:scale minimum to 0 and 0 to maximum separatedly into lower and upper half range 2:center scaling at 0, adapt minimum or maximum accordingly

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes

Related flags: mv_percentileScale, mv_percentileValue, mv_indiScale3factor


What does it do?

Indicates a frame number. All frames after this frame will be excluded in movie output. First frame has number 0. Negative value or 0 will result in exclusion of no frames at the end.

Default value: -1 (is interpreted as the last frame of the data)

What values can it take?

An integer > 0. First frame has number 0.

Are values expected to be in specific units?

Yes. Frame numbers.

Special Notes



What does it do?

Indicates a lower threshold, which is applied to the data indicated in mv_thresholdOn. Pixels with values higher than this threshold will be colorized. Ignored if mv_thresholdOn is 'none'

Default value: a0

What values can it take?

A string value. Absolute and relative thresholds can be specified for this flag.

  • For absolute thresholds use the format 'axxxx'. E.g.: 'a956.56', in which case all pixels with value higher than 956.56 will be colorized.
  • For relative threholds use the format 'ryyyy'. E.g.: 'r34.56', in which case all pixels with values in the range 34.56%-100% of the data range will be colorized.

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes

Related flags: mv_thresholdOn, mv_upperThreshNegativeResps


What does it do?

Specifies the kind of stimulus marking to include. Use:

  • 0 for no marking
  • 1 for a square filled with foreground color (mv_fgColor)
  • 2 for a text containing odor and concentration filled with mv_bgColor
  • 3 for a red square.
  • 21 for a text containing only odor information, as specified in measurement list

Default value: 0

What values can it take?

An integer value among (0, 1, 2, 3)

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes

Stimulus information is inserted in the frame above the movie. Therefore, mv_ygap needs to be sufficiently > 0.


What does it do?

Deprecated since v0.3 Use these flags to define the region to focus/colorize: mv_thresholdOn, mv_lowerThreshPositiveResps, mv_upperThreshNegativeResps, mv_thresholdShowImage, mv_thresholdScale

Default value: 0

What values can it take?

Deprecated since v0.3

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes



What does it do?

Deprecated since v0.3. Similar effects can be achieved by using mv_thresholdOn, mv_lowerThreshPositiveResps, mv_upperThreshNegativeResps, mv_thresholdShowImage, mv_thresholdScale.

Default value:

What values can it take?

Deprecated since v0.3. Similar effects can be achieved by using mv_thresholdOn, mv_lowerThreshPositiveResps, mv_upperThreshNegativeResps, mv_thresholdShowImage, mv_thresholdScale.

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes


Specifies the meaning of the terms "minimum" and "maximum" during movie scaling. When False, minimum means the lowest value and maximum means the highest value. When True, percentiles are used in conjunction with the flag "mv_percentileValue". If "mv_percentileValue" is 5, then minimum would mean the value at 5th percentile from the bottom and maximum would mean the value at the 5th percentile from the top.

Default value: False

What values can it take?

True/False. Valid values for True are: ("TRUE", "True", "true", "1") and valid values for False are: ("False", "FALSE", "false", "0").

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes

Related flags: mv_individualScale, mv_percentileValue


What does it do?

Specifies the percentile values, when mv_percentileScale is True.

Default value: 0

What values can it take?

A float value between 0 and 100.

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes

Related flags: mv_percentileScale


What does it do?

Specifies whether to flip vertically (i.e. left-right) each movie frame. Is identical to mv_RotateImate eq 7.

Default value: False

What values can it take?

True/False. Valid values for True are: ("TRUE", "True", "true", "1") and valid values for False are: ("False", "FALSE", "false", "0").

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes



What does it do?

Specifies the rotation to be applied to each movie frame. When set to 0, no rotation is applied. This page contains the approximate logic of the mapping between numbers and rotations (i.e. emulating the IDL command "rotate"). 0: no rotation, 1: 90cw, 2: 180cw, 3: 270cw. 4: flip and 90ccw, 5: flip and 180ccw, 6: flip and 270ccw, 7: flip with horizontal axis symmetry (i.e. up-down).

Default value: 0

What values can it take?

An integer, among (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes



What does it do?

Specifies the factor by which the upper and lower limits of the data are multiplied before being printed above and below the colorbar

Default value: 1

What values can it take?

A number

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes

Related flags: CTV_scalebar


What does it do?

Specifies the factor by which the output movie is to be spedup. When set to 1, the frame rate of the output movie will be the same as during camera acquisition. When set to 2, twice as fast and when set to 0.5, half as fast.

Default value: 1

What values can it take?

A float. Must be greater than 0.

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes



What does it do?

Specifies whether milliseconds are to be excluded when printing frame time

Default value: False

What values can it take?

True/False. Valid values for True are: ("TRUE", "True", "true", "1") and valid values for False are: ("False", "FALSE", "false", "0").

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes

Related flags: mv_displaytime


What does it do?

Specifies how data outside the region of focus will scaled and mapped to gray values.

Default value: full

What values can it take?

A string value. Black and white are respectively mapped onto the minimum and maximum of the movie data indicated by 'mv_thresholdShowImage' restricted to:

  • full: no restriction. full movie data is used to calculate minimum and maximum
  • onlyShown: restricted to the region outside the region of focus

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes

Related flags: mv_thresholdShowImage


What does it do?

Specifies the the data to be shown outside the region of focus defined by 'mv_thresholdOn', 'mv_thresholdOnValue' and 'mv_withinMask'

Default value: 'foto1'

What values can it take?

A string value. Valid values are

  • foto1: foto data calculated from raw data will be used. This is the default setting. Since foto data is a frame, the region outside the region of focus will be the same for all frames
  • raw1: raw data will be used

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes

Related flags: mv_thresholdScale


What does it do?

Specifies the variable that is thresholded to decide the region of the movie that is focussed/colorized

Default value: 'none'

What values can it take?

A string value. Valid values are

  • none: all pixels will be colorized, subject to the flag 'mv_withinMask'. This is the default setting.
  • raw1: raw data will be used
  • sig1: signal data calculated from raw data will be used
  • foto1: foto data calculated from raw data will be used

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes

Related flags: mv_thresholdOnValue


What does it do?

deprecated since 0.4.1, please use mv_lowerThreshPositiveResps, mv_upperThreshNegativeResps instead. Default value:

What values can it take?

deprecated since 0.4.1, please use mv_lowerThreshPositiveResps, mv_upperThreshNegativeResps instead.

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes


What does it do?

Indicates an upper threshold, which is applied to the data indicated in mv_thresholdOn. Pixels with values lower than this threshold will be colorized. Ignored if mv_thresholdOn is 'none'

Default value: a0

What values can it take?

A string value. Absolute and relative thresholds can be specified for this flag.

  • For absolute thresholds use the format 'axxxx'. E.g.: 'a956.56', in which case all pixels with value lower than 956.56 will be colorized.
  • For relative threholds use the format 'ryyyy'. E.g.: 'r34.56', in which case all pixels with values in the range 0%-34.56% of the data range will be colorized.

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes

Related flags: mv_thresholdOn, mv_upperThreshNegativeResps


What does it do?

Uses pixel-masking information in the external file .Area/.area.tif. All pixels outside the mask are defocussed/colored in gray scale according to mv_thresholdShowImage, mv_thresholdScale. Pixels inside the mask are focussed/defocussed depending on mv_thresholdOn, mv_thresholdOnValue and colored according to the flag SO_MV_colortable.

Default value: 0

What values can it take?

A boolean value.

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes

Related flags: mv_thresholdOn, mv_thresholdOnValue, mv_thresholdShowImage, mv_thresholdScale


What does it do?

deprecated since v0.3.3. Use mv_withinArea instead

Default value: 0

What values can it take?

deprecated since v0.3.3. Use mv_withinArea instead

Are values expected to be in specific units?


Special Notes



What does it do?

Specifies the width of the frame to be added for annnotations. If mv_xgap is 50, the frame will extend 50 pixels to the left of the data and 50 pixels to the right of the data.

Default value: 0

What values can it take?

An integer value, greater than or equal to 0.

Are values expected to be in specific units?

Yes. Pixels.

Special Notes



What does it do?

Specifies the height of the frame to be added for annnotations. If mv_ygap is 50, the frame will extend 50 pixels above the data and 50 pixels below the data.

Default value: 0

What values can it take?

An integer value, greater than or equal to 0.

Are values expected to be in specific units?

Yes, Pixels.

Special Notes
