Loading data in PyView GUI - galizia-lab/pyview GitHub Wiki
Data can be loaded into PyView either directly or using a list file as described below:
Direct Load (no pre-requirements)
Step 1
Choose your setup from the dropdown menu in the box "Choose your setup"
Step 2
[Optional] Choose a method for calculating signals from raw data (more info about signal calculation)
Step 3
Select the tab "Data Load (no pre-requirements)". Choose raw data file(s) from the drop down menus. Note that for FURA recordings ("Till Photonics, Dual Wavelength (LE_loadExp=4)"), you need to select both files for the data to load.
Step 4
The data should be loaded and shown in the Data manager table on the right half of VIEW-gui.
List load
- Organization of raw datasets in the recommended folder structure(guide)
- Creation of measurement lists for each dataset (guide)
- Creation of a YML file for the project (guide)
Step 1
Select the tab "List load (pre-requirements: YML File, folder structure, measurement list files)"
Step 2
Choose the project YML file from the dropdown menu in the box "The YML file" in the tab "Load load (pre-requirements: .....)
Step 3
Load one or measurement data from a measurement files by clicking on "Load from new list file".
Step 4
The data should be loaded and shown in the Data manager table on the right half of VIEW-gui.