Sewing: Brother Industrial Serger - feralcoder/shared GitHub Wiki
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Top Level Public Wiki: feralcoder shared I do car, sewing, wood, and other work in my SHOP One level up: Sewing
It's a Brother MA4-B972-5. Not sure when it was made yet, but generally only sold in Asia. So most docs and parts pages I find online are in Japanese.
I hauled this back from Bonny Doon, with a wildlife.
Ultimately this thing was in great shape. I'm glad I did the restore before figuring it out, though... Some of the oil wicks and felt pads were falling apart and needed to be replaced. The oil pan probably had never been cleaned - the unit is fairly sealed and yet the oilpan had accumulated a significant bed of mineral silt.
I bought this with other projects in mind, even while I as working on CoFucked-19 masks (under construction). But as I started working with this it became clear I could do the work I needed to do much faster, by relaxing some constraints. Embrace the visible seam! This cuts my facemask build time from about 60 minutes to about 15.
I still don't know if this will do the monster work required to edge my mesh shade tarps (placeholder). I have an assortment of needles and threads on order, and we'll be discovering this shortly.
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