Sewing Projects : Masks - feralcoder/shared GitHub Wiki

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Top Level Public Wiki: feralcoder shared I do car, sewing, wood, and other work in my SHOP One level up: Sewing

Initial Design

My first effort was based on this popular design I found online:

After some wear-testing I discovered this design to be fairly unusable. But I already had a couple-dozen masks cut and started, so it was worth it to redesign them mid-way to address some shortcomings.

I added a patch to expand the face a bit, a chin pocket or mouth-bulge. And I added a padded brow with nose-wire.

Second Design

That first design, after redesign elements, took 1.5hrs / mask. Another design had to be more time/results efficient.

This one proved to be better, easier, and faster:

This new design sewed up in ~1hr on my single-stitch sewer. It's your standard:

  • faces together
  • lockstitch together
  • notch curves
  • iron seams for folding/flattening
  • faces together again
  • stitches, notches, ironing...
  • flip inside out
  • iron again

You know, the normal "blindstitch shuffle".

Second Point Five Design

After working out the second design to about 60 minutes per mask, I obtained a Brother Industrial Serger (under construction) at a steal, and as I tuned it up it became obvious to me I'd save so much time if I embraced its quick, good-enough exposed stitchery. Doing most of the seams on the serger instead saves at least 30 minutes in ironing, flipping, notching, etc.