FX Examples - eclipse-gef/gef GitHub Wiki

Examples (undeployed)

  • bundle: org.eclipse.gef.fx.examples

The examples provided by Examples demonstrate how to use the API provided by the FX module of FX. They are not deployed on our update-sites and have to checked out in source (org.eclipse.gef.fx.examples) from our GEF Git repository. In order to have the example plug-in compile properly, all other required GEF bundles will either have to be installed (in a matching version) into your running eclipse platform (if this is used as target), added to a target definition (the target definitions contained in org.eclipse.gef.target may be augmented for this purpose), or checked out in source as well. You will also have to install e(fx)clipse in your running eclipse instance and target platform (see GEF Project Contributor Guide for details on how to obtain the sources and setup your workspace). Having prepared everything as outlined before, the standalone example might easily be started by launching one of the following example classes from org.eclipse.gef.fx.examples via the context menu ('Run As' -> 'Java Application').


The ConnectionSnippet demonstrates the usage of Connection, including different IConnectionRouters, as well as of GeometryNode.


The DynamicAnchorShapeSnippet visualizes the point computation of DynamicAnchor for the different javafx.scene.shape.Shape implementations.


The GeometryNodeSnippet demonstrates usage of GeometryNode.


The MouseDragSnippet demonstrates the usage of IAnchor.

Examples.SWT (undeployed)

  • bundle: org.eclipse.gef.fx.examples.swt

The examples provided by Examples.SWT demonstrate how to use the API provided by the FX.SWT module of FX. They are not deployed on our update-sites and have to checked out in source (org.eclipse.gef.fx.examples.swt) from our GEF Git repository. In order to have the example plug-in compile properly, all other required GEF bundles will either have to be installed (in a matching version) into your running eclipse platform (if this is used as target), added to a target definition (the target definitions contained in org.eclipse.gef.target may be augmented for this purpose), or checked out in source as well. You will also have to install e(fx)clipse in your running eclipse instance and target platform (see GEF Project Contributor Guide for details on how to obtain the sources and setup your workspace). Having prepared everything as outlined before, the standalone example might easily be started by launching one of the following example classes from org.eclipse.gef.fx.examples.ui via the context menu ('Run As' -> 'Java Application').


The ButtonFXControlAdapterSnippet demonstrates the usage of FXControlAdapter.


The ChangeCurser demonstrates how JavaFX cursors can be manipulated.


The StyledTextFXControlAdapterSnippet demonstrates the usage of FXControlAdapter.


The SwtToFXGestureConversionDemo demonstrates the usage of SwtToFXGestureConverter.