FX - eclipse-gef/gef GitHub Wiki
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The FX component provides useful additions around JavaFX as well as for integrating JavaFX with SWT. It is internally composed out of three modules, namely FX, FX.SWT, and FX.JFace. There are also a couple of undeployed FX Examples and FX SWT Examples.
The FX module of FX provides enhancements for JavaFX, which can also be used independent of the Eclipse UI, e.g. visual anchors, gesture listeners, a connection implementation, or an IGeometry-based shape implementation.
The {Root} package only provides the bundle activator, FxBundle.
The FxBundle
is the bundle activator.
- package: org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors
The Anchors package provides a visual anchor abstraction (IAnchor), a related abstract base implementation (AbstractAnchor), as well as concrete anchor implementations (StaticAnchor, DynamicAnchor) to manage dynamic positioning of visuals in dependence of others.
An IAnchor
is associated with one anchorage visual and can provide positions for several anchored visuals. Every anchored visual, for which a position should be computed by the anchor, has to be attached to the anchor. In order to allow the computation of different positions for the same visual, the anchored is wrapped in an AnchorKey
, which combines a javafx.scene.Node with a java.lang.String role. For example, imagine a self-loop (an edge that connects a vertex to itself) where the same visual (the edge) is attached to one anchorage (the vertex) with two different roles: the start of the edge, and the end of the edge.
The abstract base implementation AbstractAnchor
triggers a re-computation for an attached AnchorKey
when the anchorage visual changes relative to the anchored visual or vice versa. This is realized using a VisualChangeListener. When an AnchorKey
is detached from an IAnchor
, no further computations will be performed for that AnchorKey
The anchorage visual and the positions for the anchoreds are managed using JavaFX Properties (Using JavaFX Properties and Binding), i.e. you can register change listeners and realize bindings based on those properties.
The StaticAnchor
is, conceivably, the most simple anchor implementation. It provides an anchor position based on a static reference position (either scene-global, or relative to its anchorage visual). This type of anchor proved itself useful as a placeholder when a position currently does not depend on an anchorage visual, but eventually will.
DynamicAnchor, IComputationStrategy, ProjectionStrategy, OrthogonalProjectionStrategy, ChopBoxStrategy
The DynamicAnchor
support calculation of 'dynamic' positions for anchored visuals, delegating the calculation to a respective IComputationStrategy
, which can be exchanged.
The IComputationStrategy
's position computation can be based on an arbitrary number of Parameter
s, which may either depend on the anchorage visual (static) or on the anchored visual (dynamic). These parameters are maintained by the DynamicAnchor
and need to be provided by clients. As they are implemented as object properties, their values may simply by provided through JavaFX bindings:
getComputationParameter(AnchorageReferenceGeometry.class).bind(new ObjectBinding<IGeometry>() {
protected IGeometry computeValue() {
return NodeUtils.getShapeOutline(anchorage);
There are three concrete computation strategies, which may be used in different scenarios. The ProjectionStrategy
computes the closest projection of a given anchored reference point to a reference anchorage geometry outline (usually the geometric or visual outline). The ChopBoxStrategy
is a specific projection strategy that computes the intersection between a line through the center of the anchorage reference geometry and the given anchored reference point and the outline of the anchorage reference geometry. The OrthogonalProjectionStrategy
is another specialization that computes the closest horizontal or vertical projection of the anchored reference point to the anchorage geometry outline.
- package: org.eclipse.gef.fx.listeners
The Listeners package provides a VisualChangeListener, which can be used to recognize visual changes of one observed javafx.scene.Node visual relative to an observer visual.
A VisualChangeListener
examines a visual's bounds-in-local and local-to-parent-transform properties (JavaFX Properties) and reports all related visual changes. A bounds-in-local change occurs when the observed visual's effect, clip, stroke, local transformations, or geometric bounds change. A local-to-parent-transform change occurs when the observed visual undergoes a transformation change. Transformation listeners are registered for all visuals in the hierarchy up to (but excluding) the common parent of observed and a respective observer visual, so that all changes relative to the observer visual are recognized.
The VisualChangeListener
is realized as an abstract class that has to be subclassed in order to implement callback methods, which are called when visual changes are observed.
- package: org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes
The Nodes package provides
- an adaptation of an org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.IGeometry to javafx.scene.Node: GeometryNode.
- a connection abstraction that is based on IAnchor: Connection as well as related abstractions (IConnectionRouter and IConnectionInterpolator).
- a visual to display an image which is overlayed by another image on mouse hover: HoverOverlayImageView.
- a custom infinite canvas implementation: InfiniteCanvas.
- utilities (picking nodes, querying the pointer location, transformations): NodeUtils, CursorUtils, Geometry2Shape, Shape2Geometry.
The GeometryNode
is a specific javafx.scene.layout.Region that is capable of displaying an org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.IGeometry. In contrast to a javafx.scene.shape.Shape its resizable.
GeometryNode<RoundedRectangle> n = new GeometryNode<>();
// A GeometryNode has the same visible properties like a javafx.scene.shape.Shape...
// ... but it can either be relocated/resized based on the geometry (excluding stroke) ...
n.setGeometry(new RoundedRectangle(30, 40, 30, 40, 20, 20));
n.relocateGeometry(50, 60);
n.resizeGeometry(50, 60);
// ... or based on the layout bounds (including stroke)
n.relocate(50, 60);
n.resize(50, 60);
The InfiniteCanvas
is an alternative to the javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane. It consists of multiple layers: underlay group, scrolled underlay group, content group, scrolled overlay group, overlay group.
The InfiniteCanvas
determines scrollable bounds and content bounds. Scrollbars will be automatically shown in case the content bounds exceed the canvas bounds.
The HoverOverlayImageView
displays a base image, for which a mouse hover effect is realized that displays an overlay image instead of the base image during hovering. Transitioning from one image to the other is done by gradually changing the opacities of both images. In the given example, the base image is the grey X and the overlay image is the red X.
The Connection
is an implementation of a connection with two endpoints and an arbitrary number of way-/control-points. One of the endpoints is referred to as the start point, the other one is referred to as the end point. The positions for endpoints and waypoints are computed using anchors, i.e. an Connection
provides one AnchorKey per point and manages one IAnchor per point. However, the API also allows directly specifying coordinates for each point, in which case a StaticAnchor is created internally.
A Connection
can have a start decoration and an end decoration which are displayed at the start point, or end point, respectively. Decorations can be used to display an arrow at one end of a connection, for example.
An IConnectionRouter
receives the coordinates of all points of the connection (start point, way points, end point) and may insert additional (implicit) points to satisfy certain routing constraints. Currently, two connection routers are provided: 1) the StraightRouter
(default), and 2) the OrthogonalRouter
A Connection
manages a javafx.scene.Node (a GeometryNode by default), which is referred to as the curve node. The updating of the curve node based on the curve's points is delegated to an IConnectionInterpolator
. It is also responsible for placing the curve's decorations as well as for clipping the decorations. Currently two interpolators are provided: 1) the PolylineInterpolator
and 2) the PolyBezierInterpolator
. The first one computes a org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.Polyline (only straight line segments) from the given points while the second one computes a org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.PolyBezier (consecutive Bezier curves with smooth continuity) from the given points.
The NodeUtils
class contains utility functionality, such as picking nodes at a current position on the scene graph, and performing local-to-parent, local-to-scene, parent-to-local, and scene-to-local transformations of geometries (GEF4 Geometry).
The CursorUtils
provides utility functions related to cursors. It can be used for querying the current mouse pointer location for for forcing a cursor update.
The Geometry2Shape
and Shape2Geometry
utility classes provide utilities to infer Geometry abstractions from a javafx.scene.shape.Shape and vice versa.
The FX.SWT module of FX provides enhanced support for integrating JavaFX with SWT.
- package: org.eclipse.gef.fx.swt.canvas
The Canvas package provides a replacement for the javafx.embed.swt.FXCanvas, adding support for various JavaFX/SWT integration functionality.
The FXCanvasEx
is a replacement for the javafx.embed.swt.FXCanvas, providing support for various functionality which is missing. The FXCanvasEx
forwards SWT GestureEvents (touch events) to JavaFX, notifies all SWT FocusListeners (additional to forwarding them to JavaFX), and supports changing the SWT Cursor based on the javafx.scene.Cursor.
The IFXCanvasFactory
handles the construction of an javafx.embed.swt.FXCanvas to render the JavaFX scene graph.
- package: org.eclipse.gef.fx.swt.controls
The Controls package provides a counterpart to the JavaFX/SWT integration, i.e. embedding SWT Controls into a JavaFX scene graph.
The FXControlAdapter
extends javafx.scene.layout.Region and allows to embed an SWT Control into a JavaFX scene graph. The control will automatically be re-created using an FXControlAdapter.IControlFactory whenever the JavaFX scene graph changes, and its bounds will be updated whenever the FXControlAdapter
is resized or relocated.
The FXColorPicker
provides an SWT control which uses the system's org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ColorDialog to pick a new JavaFX color.
The FXSimpleLinearGradientPicker
provides an SWT control which displays two FXColorPicker
to specify a simple JavaFX linear gradient.
The FXAdvancedLinearGradientPicker
provides an SWT control which displays/allows the manipulation of an advanced linear gradient (i.e. more than 2 stops).
The FX.JFace module of FX provides enhanced support for integrating JavaFX with JFace.
The {Root} package provides cell editors and corresponding dialogs to specify JavaFX properties.
The FXPaintCellEditor
is a org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DialogCellEditor extension, which displays a currently selected JavaFX Paint and offers a button to change if via an FXPaintSelectionDialog.
The FXPaintLabelProvider
is a org.eclipse.jface.viewers.LabelProvider extension, which can be used to display a JavaFX Paint (color or gradient) value. It is used by the FXPaintPropertyDescriptor.
The FXPaintSelectionDialog
is a org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog extension, which provides a menu to select a JavaFX Paint (color or gradient). It is used by the FXPaintCellEditor