Page Index - ebranca/owasp-pysec GitHub Wiki
51 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- OWASP Python Security WIKI
- Python Versions
- Security Concerns in Python modules
- Security Concerns in Python source code
- OWASP Python Security Project
- Buffered and unbuffered stream redirections
- Bytes type in python 2 and python 3
- Compare decimal and float
- Compare float with string
- Conditional code execution can generate unexpected errors
- Function mmap resizes without checking for valid fd
- Infinite recursion with ast module
- Missing checks for invalid write to closed fd
- Module shlex removing newline after comment
- Numeric literal and whitespaces
- Numeric overflow in builtin function xrange
- Overflow and Value errors in time module
- Overflow in len function
- Overflow on posix file date
- Parenthesis converted by pprint
- Possible data corruption using cPickle
- Possible data corruption using pickle
- Python 2.5.6 unchecked return values in I O functions
- Python 2.6.9 unchecked return values in I O functions
- Python 2.7.6 unchecked return values in I O functions
- Python 3.1.5 unchecked return values in I O functions
- Python 3.2.5 unchecked return values in I O functions
- Python 3.3.5 unchecked return values in I O functions
- Python ctypes not checking for overflow
- Python locale unhandled conditions
- Python private attributes
- Python probelms with environment variables
- Python Releases by Version
- Python Releases by Year
- Readline input loss
- Readline string modification
- Recursion Memory errors
- Security Concerns in modules and functions
- Security Concerns in Python source code
- Segfault with ctypes deep call stack calls
- Statement 'if 0: return' not failing with error
- Statement 'if 0: yield' not failing with error
- String with NULs and ctypes
- Subprocess exception on terminate
- Subprocess redirect after object construction
- Unexpected parsing error in json module
- Unicode string silently truncated
- Unrestricted code execution using pickle
- Unsafe String interpretation if using eval() function
- Unsafe String interpretation if using input() function