Bytes type in python 2 and python 3 - ebranca/owasp-pysec GitHub Wiki
Affected Components : builtins
Operating System : Linux
Python Versions : 2.6.x, 2.7.x
Reproducible : Yes
Source code
ba = bytearray(range(8))
print(repr("ba=%s" % ba))
b = bytes(range(8))
print(repr("b=%s" % b))
if ba == b:
print(repr("PASS => bytearray(range(8) == bytes(range(8)"))
print(repr("FAIL => bytearray(range(8) /= bytes(range(8)"))
if ba == b:
print(repr("PASS => ba.partition(b'\x03')) == ba.partition(3)"))
print(repr("FAIL =>ba.partition(b'\x03')) /= ba.partition(3)"))
Steps to Produce/Reproduce
To reproduce the problem copy the source code
in a file and execute the script using the following command syntax:
$ python -OOBRtt
Alternatively you can open python in interactive mode:
$ python -OOBRtt <press enter>
Then copy the lines of code into the interpreter.
All methods using bytearray should have consistent behaviour across all version of python but this is not the case.
As we can see from the output of the code used for testing:
python -OOBRttu ''
'b=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]'
'FAIL => bytearray(range(8) /= bytes(range(8)'
(bytearray(b'\x00\x01\x02'), bytearray(b'\x03'), bytearray(b'\x04\x05\x06\x07'))
(bytearray(b'\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07'), bytearray(b''), bytearray(b''))
"FAIL =>ba.partition(b'\x03')) /= ba.partition(3)"
In Python 2.x builtin functions bytes
and bytearray
are using different logic.
Python 2.x
Case 1 - Allocate 8 bytes using ba = bytearray(range(8))
print(repr("ba=%s" % ba))
Result: 'ba=\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07'
Case 2 - Allocate 8 bytes using b = bytes(range(8))
print(repr("b=%s" % b))
Result: 'b=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]'
From the way python execute the code seems that if a is not a bytearray or a buffer object ba.partition(a)
is actually executed as ba.partition(bytearray(a))
In python 3.x bytes
and bytearray
do NOT have different representations.
Python 3.x
Case 1 - Allocate 8 bytes using Result: "ba=bytearray(b'\\x00\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07')"
Case 2 - Allocate 8 bytes using Result: "b=b'\\x00\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07'"
The reason is that in python 2.x there is no bytes
type, the bytes
builtin is just an alias for the str
type, and has to be considered as just another alias and literal syntax for str
Python [documentation][04] contains a more detailed explanation and here the relevant snippet form the documentation:
Python 3.0 adopts Unicode as the language’s fundamental string type and denotes 8-bit literals differently, either as b'string' or using a bytes constructor. For future compatibility, Python 2.6 adds bytes as a synonym for the str type, and it also supports the b'' notation.
The 2.6 str differs from 3.0’s bytes type in various ways; most notably, the constructor is completely different. In 3.0, bytes([65, 66, 67]) is 3 elements long, containing the bytes representing ABC; in 2.6, bytes([65, 66, 67]) returns the 12-byte string representing the str() of the list.
The primary use of bytes in 2.6 will be to write tests of object type such as isinstance(x, bytes). This will help the 2to3 converter, which can’t tell whether 2.x code intends strings to contain either characters or 8-bit bytes; you can now use either bytes or str to represent your intention exactly, and the resulting code will also be correct in Python 3.0.
At the C level, Python 3.0 will rename the existing 8-bit string type, called PyStringObject in Python 2.x, to PyBytesObject. Python 2.6 uses #define to support using the names PyBytesObject(), PyBytes_Check(), PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(), and all the other functions and macros used with strings.
We are not aware on any solution or package that safely implements both bytes
type and bytearray
across python versions.
Secure Implementation
[Python builtin functions][01] [01]:
[Python String/Bytes][02] [02]:
[Python bug 20047][03] [03]:
[Python PEP 3112][04] [04]: