Page Index - dotherightthing/wpdtrt-plugin-boilerplate GitHub Wiki
29 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Background
- Goals
- History
- Yeoman Plugin Generator
- Base theme
- 3rd party class
- Data: Loading from an API
- Front End: Adding scripts
- Front End: Adding stylesheets
- Linting
- Natural Docs style guide
- Options
- Options: Adding global options
- Options: Adding shortcode or widget options
- Options: Adding taxonomies
- Options: Adding WordPress plugin dependencies
- Security
- Settings page: Adding a demo shortcode
- Testing & Debugging
- Testing & Debugging:
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting: Constant already defined
- Troubleshooting: Plugin won't activate
- Troubleshooting: Plugin won't update via TGMPA
- Troubleshooting: Required version of DTRT WP Plugin can not be loaded
- Troubleshooting: Tests can't be run
- Troubleshooting: TGMPA causes gulp install task to fail
- Workflows