Options: Adding shortcode or widget options - dotherightthing/wpdtrt-plugin-boilerplate GitHub Wiki


DTRT WordPress Plugin Boilerplate supports user-configurable shortcodes and widgets.


  • Stable @ 1.6.9
  • Needs further documentation and testing re passing values to template, and overriding templates


Register an option

The option array describes an input field which will be used to set a value within a widget in WordPress admin, or when authoring a shortcode in the WordPress editor / in a PHP file.

Input field types are self-documented in ./views/form-element-*.php.

The default value is used if the option is not included in the shortcode, e.g.:

// with option.
[wpdtrt_map_shortcode enlargement_link_text="View bigger map"]

// without option.

Example from ./wpdtrt-map.php

    $instance_options = array(
      'enlargement_link_text' => array(
        'type'    => 'text',
        'size'    => 30,
        'label'   => __('Enlargement link text', 'wpdtrt-map'),
        'tip'     => __('e.g. View larger map', 'wpdtrt-map'),
        'default' => __('View on Google Maps', 'wpdtrt-map'),

Make the option available within a shortcode

The relevant $instance_options must be selected by using the $selected_instance_options array.

Example from ./wpdtrt-map.php

  function wpdtrt_map_shortcode_init() {

    global $wpdtrt_map_plugin;

    $wpdtrt_map_shortcode = new DoTheRightThing\WPPlugin\Shortcode(
        'selected_instance_options' => array(

Make the option available within a widget