HL7 Study Retention Policy - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki


HL7 Study Retention Policies are needed when one wants to expire/freeze/protect certain studies in archive. These policies may get applied to the studies of the patients referenced in the HL7 messages that are sent to the archive.

Note : Unlike Apply Retention Policy or Study Retention Policy triggered on C-Store for which only one retention period is provided by the configured Study Retention Policy, user is provided with options to set minimum or maximum retention periods on HL7 Study Retention Policy for HL7 Triggered Expire Studies.


Using Archive UI

  • HL7 Study Retention Policy can be configured on :
    • Archive device level : Set expiration date to studies on receive of HL7 messages by any HL7 Application of Archive

      Go to Menu->Configuration, then on Devices page, Edit the dcm4chee-arc device. Go to Extensions and Edit extension of Device Extension. Again go to its Extensions and Edit extension of Archive device.

    • Archive HL7 application extension level : Set expiration date to studies on receive of HL7 messages by this HL7 Application of Archive

      Go to Menu->Configuration, then on Devices page and
      Edit the dcm4chee-arc device. Go to Extensions and Edit extension of Device Extension. Go to Child Objects and select the HL7 application for which this feature needs to be configured. Go to Extensions and Edit extension of Archive HL7 Application.

  • In its Child Objects add HL7 Study Retention Policy. Specify Name, Application Entity (AE) title and either Minimal Study Retention Period or Maximal Study Retention Period and one or more optional fields Rule Priority, Conditions and Start Retention Period on Study Date and Save.

Using LDAP

One may either create a LDIF file (e.g.):

  • To configure on Archive device level,

      version: 1
      dn: cn=Increase Retention Period,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      objectClass: hl7StudyRetentionPolicy
      cn: Increase Retention Period
      dicomAETitle: DCM4CHEE
      dcmRetentionPeriod: P1Y
  • To configure on Archive HL7 application level,

      version: 1
      dn: cn=Increase Retention Period,hl7ApplicationName=DCM4CHEE|HL7APP,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      objectClass: hl7StudyRetentionPolicy
      cn: Increase Retention Period
      dicomAETitle: DCM4CHEE
      dcmRetentionPeriod: P1Y

    and import it to the LDAP Server by using the ldapadd command line utility or the LDIF Import... function of Apache Directory Studio

  • or directly use its New Entry... function of Apache Directory Studio to create corresponding HL7 Study Retention Policy entries on Device Level (e.g.: dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc) or on Archive HL7 Application Level (e.g: hl7ApplicationName=DCM4CHEE|HL7APP) of the Archive Configuration.

One may refer to HL7 Study Retention Policy to understand the description of attributes.

Refer ISO-8601 Duration format for more know-how on Durations.

Go to the Control tab on Configuration page in archive UI and reload the configuration.

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