Freeze Expiration Date Individual Studies - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki


One may choose to freeze study/series by which further updates to expiration date of these studies/series can be avoided.

Note :

  • The only way to Unfreeze (=Update) Expiration Date of Study/Series is by using Update Study Expiration Date and also setting the query parameter FreezeExpirationDate=false.
  • Unfreeze (=Update) Expiration Date of Series of FROZEN Study is not allowed using Update Series Expiration Date


Configure one or more Study Retention Policy or HL7 Study Retention Policy based on one's requirements.

In order to be able to freeze the expiration date of studies/series, set the Freeze Expiration Date to True.


  • Based on any of the triggers used as mentioned in Expire Studies, apply expiration date to studies/series and freeze it.
  • Using the archive UI, see the Study Expiration Date and Study Expiration State as FROZEN set in the private attributes as shown below :


  • Similarly verify also on Series level.
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