Exporter Properties - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki


Some exporters configured in archive requires certain basic exporter specific properties to be configured for it. As exporters can be of different types (eg. DICOM to UPS Exporter, WADO Exporter or XDS Exporter), corresponding exporter properties configuration is required for each such exporter.

Note : Exporter Property configuration is not required for :

  • DICOM Objects Exporter (using C-STORE) : Exporter URI scheme specific part is dicom:{destinationAET}
  • STOW Exporter (STore DICOM Objects Over Web) : Exporter URI scheme specific part is stow:{DestinationSTOWRSServerWebApplication}
  • Storage Exporter : Exporter URI scheme specific part is storage:{storageID}:; wherein {storageID} reflects the value of ID of Storage Descriptor where the DICOM objects shall be stored to eg. Store objects from Online to Nearline Storage using above storage exporter.

Exporter Properties Configurations based on Exporter Type

DICOM to UPS Exporter

This exporter can be used to create Workitem on remote UPS-RS server on receive of DICOM objects.

Exporter URI is ups:{DestinationUPSRSServerWebApplication}

Properties Configurable values Default Notes
patient true
indicates to copy all patient attributes from entity to the created UPS workitem
visit true
indicates to copy all visit attributes from entity to the created UPS workitem
request true
indicates to copy all request attributes from entity to the created UPS workitem's Referenced Request Sequence
{attributeID} {value} {attributeID} inside of {value} will itself replaced by the value of that attribute of the referred entity (Study,Series,Instance) extracted in the DB (= must be included in configured Attribute Filter for the entity of the export level or above).
For {attributeID} common to patient / visit / request attributes, these shall be only applied if it is not copied from entity or if the entity does not contain a value for the attribute.
ScheduledProcedureStepPriority MEDIUM
InputReadinessState READY
ProcedureStepLabel DEFAULT

HTTP request specific properties shall get applied from Web Application's properties.

WADO Exporter

Exporter URI: wado:{QueryRetrieveWebApplication}

Properties Configurable Values Notes
WadoService Any of WADO-RS services
or WADO-URI service
eg. for WADO-RS /studies/[0]/series/[1]/metadata
or for WADO-URI ?requestType=WADO&studyUID=[0]&seriesUID=[1]&objectUID=[2]&frameNumber=[3]&contentType=image/jpeg
QidoService Any of QIDO-RS services except Search for Patients Use relative URL with parameterized placeholders for UID path parameters eg. To use Search Instances of Series of Study in QidoService, configure value as /studies/[0]/series/[1]/instances
StorageID Storage ID of configured Storage where prefetched QIDO/WADO responses should be written out. Not applicable if prefetching of QIDO/WADO responses is done to an intermediary cache (ATS) server.
IgnoreNotFound true
optional, default: false.
Optionally ignore responses with HTTP Status 404 Not Found, resulting in a COMPLETED instead WARNING Task Status.
For workflows wherein exporting series which were rejected after the export task was scheduled, getting HTTP Status 404 Not Found does not signal a failure; so such tasks set to COMPLETED would be purged automatically.
Accept-Encoding gzip Allows activating gzip compression for QIDO and WADO (Retrieve Metadata) responses
Accept application/json Accept HTTP header for QIDO / WADO (Retrieve Metadata) responses
Cache-Control no-cache
Any of Request Cache Directives
no-cache : Request directive asks caches to validate the response with the origin server before reuse.

XDS Exporter

Exporter URI: xds-i:https://localhost:9443/xdstools4/sim/default__rr/rep/prb

Replace https://localhost:9443/xdstools4/sim/default__rr/rep/prb above with URL corresponding to your XDS repository settings.

Properties Configurable (sample) Values Default Notes
TLS.disableCNCheck true
Indicates whether that the hostname given in the HTTPS URL will be checked against the service's Common Name (CN) given in its certificate during requests, and failing if there is a mismatch. If set to true (not recommended for production use), such checks will be bypassed. That will allow you, for example, to use a URL such as localhost during development.
TLS.protocol TLSv1.2
TLS.ciphersuites TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,
Multiple TLS.ciphersuites can be specified using , separator.
Manifest.title (113030, DCM, "Manifest") Concept Name Code Sequence (0040,A043) in the Manifest KOS Document
Manifest.seriesNumber 0 Series Number (0020,0011) set in the created Key Object
Manifest.instanceNumber 0 Instance Number (0020,0013) set in the created Key Object
Manifest.logDir Log directory where the Manifest KOS Document is written out (for debugging).
SOP Instance UID of the KO Manifest is used as filename.
DocumentEntry.useProcedureCodeAsTypeCode true
If set to true, Procedure Code Sequence (0008,1032) of Manifest KOS Document is used as the code specifying the precise type of document from the user perspective, instead of using value set in DocumentEntry.typeCode property.
DocumentEntry.languageCode en-us Specifies the human language of character data in the document.
DocumentEntry.typeCode (DICOM KON TYPECODE,,
"DICOM Key Object Note Type Code")
(18748-4, 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1, "Diagnostic imaging study") The code specifying the precise type of document from the user perspective (e.g., LOINC code).
DocumentEntry.includeAnatomicRegionCodes true
If set to true, adds Anatomic Region Sequence (0008,2218) (if available) or Body Part Examined (0018,0015) (from attributes of series which is to be exported) as a Code in the eventCodeList of DocumentEntry, wherein eventCodeList is a list of codes representing the main clinical acts (such as a colonoscopy or an appendectomy) being documented.
Refer Body Part codes.
DocumentEntry.includeModalityCodes true
If set to true, adds Modality (0008,0060) (from attributes of series which is to be exported) as a Code in the eventCodeList of DocumentEntry, wherein eventCodeList is a list of codes representing the main clinical acts (such as a colonoscopy or an appendectomy) being documented.
Refer Modality codes.
DocumentEntry.confidentialityCode (N, 2.16.840.1.113883.5.25, "Normal") The code specifying the level of confidentiality of the document.
DocumentEntry.healthCareFacilityTypeCode (RADDX, 2.16.840.1.113883.5.11,
"Radiology diagnostics or therapeutics unit")
(22232009, 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96, "Hospital") This code represents the type of organizational setting of the clinical encounter during which the documented act occurred.
DocumentEntry.practiceSettingCode (R-3027B, SRT, "Radiology") (Practice-A,, Radiology) The code specifying the clinical specialty where the act that resulted in the document was performed (e.g., Family Practice, Laboratory, Radiology).
DocumentEntry.classCode (*,, "*") (IMAGES,, "Images") The code specifying the high-level use classification of the document type (e.g., Report, Summary, Images, Treatment Plan, Patient Preferences, Workflow).
AssigningAuthority.accessionNumber Universal Entity ID (0040,0032) added to the Issuer of Accession Number Sequence (0008,0051) in the Manifest KOS Document as well as in the Request Attributes Sequence (0040,0275) of the series to be exported, if Accession Number (0008,0050) of series to be exported contains an Issuer of Accession Number Sequence (0008,0051) and its Universal Entity ID Type (0040,0033) != ISO
XDSSubmissionSet.patientId The patientId represents the primary subject of care of the SubmissionSet. Applicable for configuration (for testing) only when PatientID in object differs from (global) PatientID in XDS, as archive's XDS exporter does not support PIX queries currently.
XDSSubmissionSet.sourceId Identifier of the entity that contributed the SubmissionSet.
XDSSubmissionSet.contentType (DICOM KON TYPECODE,,
"DICOM Key Object Note Type Code")
(UNSPECIFIED-CONTENT-TYPE,, "Unspecified Clinical Activity") The code specifying the type of clinical activity that resulted in placing the associated content in the SubmissionSet.

References :

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