Archive UI Testplan - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki

Testplan for Archive UI Navigation

This page gives a brief overview of tests to be done with the new Archive UI Navigation page (introduced in version 5.20.0). Major change are :

  • Removal of the AE Title dropdown and in its place, we now have a Web Application dropdown.
  • Also from the old Studies page the switch between Internal and External (to differentiate between one's own archive or an external archive) has been removed. Services to one's own archive and external archives can now be managed with web applications.
  • Querying of Studies / Patients / MWLs / DIFFs has been split into different tabs instead of toggling the different search results' views on the same page.
  • Addition of UWL tab for Unified Worklist entries

Accessing Own Archive

Accessing External Archive

Accessing Multiple Own Archive Instances

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