Accessing Own Archive - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki


The default configuration of archive already provides the below two Web Applications.

Using Archive UI

  • Add a Web Application for QIDO, WADO, STOW and all other proprietary DCM4CHEE Archive RESTful services. Go to Configuration page -> Devices tab -> dcm4chee-arc -> Device Extension -> Child Objects -> Web Application -> Add new Web Application. Specify
    • Web Application name
    • Web Service Path : /dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/rs (Replace DCM4CHEE by your AE if you have renamed the AE
    • Web Service Classes : WADO_RS, STOW_RS, QIDO_RS, QIDO_COUNT and DCM4CHEE_ARC_AET
    • AE Title : DCM4CHEE (Replace DCM4CHEE by your AE if you have renamed the AE and Save.
  • Add a Web Application for WADO_URI: Go to Configuration page -> Devices tab -> dcm4chee-arc -> Device Extension -> Child Objects -> Web Application -> Add new Web Application. Specify
    • Web Application name
    • Web Service Path : /dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/wado (Replace DCM4CHEE by your AE if you have renamed the AE
    • Web Service Classes : WADO_URI
    • AE Title : DCM4CHEE (Replace DCM4CHEE by your AE if you have renamed the AE and Save.

Using LDAP

One may either

  • create a LDIF file (e.g.):

      version: 1
      dn: dcmWebAppName=DCM4CHEE,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      dicomDescription: Hide instances rejected for Quality Reasons
      dcmWebServiceClass: WADO_RS
      dcmWebServiceClass: STOW_RS
      dcmWebServiceClass: QIDO_RS
      dcmWebServiceClass: QIDO_COUNT
      dcmWebServiceClass: DCM4CHEE_ARC_AET
      objectClass: dcmWebApp
      dicomAETitle: DCM4CHEE
      dcmWebAppName: DCM4CHEE
      dcmWebServicePath: /dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/rs
      dn: dcmWebAppName=DCM4CHEE-WADO,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      dicomDescription: Hide instances rejected for Quality Reasons
      dcmWebServiceClass: WADO_URI
      objectClass: dcmWebApp
      dicomAETitle: DCM4CHEE
      dcmWebAppName: DCM4CHEE-WADO
      dcmWebServicePath: /dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/wado

    and import it to the LDAP Server by using the ldapmodify command line utility.

  • or use the Add Attribute... and Add Value... function of Apache Directory Studio to add attributes on Device level (e.g.: dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc) in the Archive Configuration.

Refer to Web Application to understand the description of attributes.

Go to the Control tab on Configuration page in archive UI and reload the configuration.


  • Go to Navigation page -> Studies tab, select DCM4CHEE from Web App Service dropdown, (you may specify one or more filters) and proceed with :
    • SUBMIT : To see list of studies.
    • COUNT : To see count of studies.
    • SIZE : To see size of studies.
    • On any of the Study from the list :
      • Toggle Attributes : To view the study attributes.
      • Edit this Study : To update one or more study attributes.
      • Set/Change Expired Date : To retain study until a certain period in future.
      • Verify Storage Commitment : To schedule storage verification of study.
      • Export Study : To export study to a remote destination (eg. storescp utility) using
        • Synchronised DICOM exporter
        • Queued exporter : DICOM Exporter configuration required.
      • Download as CSV : To save list of series of study as a CSV file.
      • Upload file : To upload either an image, video or pdf file to study.
      • Retrieve Study as stored at the archive : To retrieve study as stored at the archive as a zip file.
      • Retrieve Study uncompressed : To retrieve uncompressed study as a zip file.
      • Show Series : To see series of study.
      • Delete study permanently : To delete a study permanently. (Allow Delete Study Permanently configuration required)
      • Reject Study : To reject a study.
    • On any of the Series of Study from the list :
      • Show Attributes : To view the series attributes.
      • Verify Storage Commitment : To schedule storage verification of series.
      • Export Series : To export series to a remote destination (eg. storescp utility) using
        • Synchronised DICOM exporter
        • Queued exporter : DICOM Exporter configuration required.
      • Download as CSV : To save list of instances of series as a CSV file.
      • Retrieve Series as stored at the archive : To retrieve series as stored at the archive as a zip file.
      • Retrieve Series uncompressed : To retrieve uncompressed series as a zip file.
      • Show Instances : To see instances of series.
    • On any of the Instance of Series from the list :
      • Show Attributes : To view the instance attributes as stored in database.
      • Show Attributes from file : To view the instance attributes from DICOM file.
      • Verify Storage Commitment : To schedule storage verification of instance.
      • Export Instance : To export instance to a remote destination (eg. storescp utility) using
        • Synchronised DICOM exporter
        • Queued exporter : DICOM Exporter configuration required.
      • Download DICOM object : To retrieve DICOM object as stored at the archive.
      • Download Uncompressed DICOM object : To retrieve uncompressed DICOM object.
      • View DICOM object : To view the DICOM object as image, video or pdf.
    • From More functions dropdown :
      • Upload DICOM object : To upload/store one or more DICOM objects to archive.
      • Export matching studies : To export all of the matching studies to a remote destination (eg. storescp utility) using Queued DICOM Exporter configuration.
      • Storage Verification : To schedule storage verification of all matching studies.
      • Download Studies as CSV : To save list of all matching studies as a CSV file.
      • Reject matching studies : To reject all matching studies.
    • Select Toggle checkboxes from Actions for selections dropdown
      • Select any study/series/instance and Mark selected study for copy. Next select any other Patient or Study and Start process of copying/moving/linking or merging and Copy
      • Select any study/series/instance and Mark selected study for move. Next select any other Patient or Study and Start process of copying/moving/linking or merging; next Select rejected type and Move.
      • Select any study/series/instance and Mark selected study for linking with MWL. Next go to MWLs tab and SUBMIT to see list of Modality Worklist entries. Select a MWL and Start process of copying/moving/linking or merging; next Select rejected type and Link.
  • Select Patients tab, (you may specify one or more filters) and proceed with :
    • SUBMIT : To see list of patients.
    • COUNT : To see count of patients.
    • On any of the Patient from the list :
      • Toggle Attributes : To view the patient attributes.
      • Edit this Patient : To update one or more patient attributes.
      • Add new MWL : To update one or more patient attributes.
      • Upload file : To upload either an image, video or pdf file to patient.
      • Download as CSV : To save list of studies of patient as a CSV file.
      • Show Studies : To see studies of patient.
      • Delete this Patient : To delete a patient permanently. (Allow Delete Patient configuration required)
    • From More functions dropdown :
      • Create patient : To create a new patient.
    • Select Toggle checkboxes from Actions for selections dropdown
      • Select any patient and Mark selected patient for merge. Next select any other patient and Start process of copying/moving/linking or merging and Merge.
  • Select MWLs tab, (you may specify one or more filters) and proceed with :
    • SUBMIT : To see list of Modality Worklist entries.
    • COUNT : To see count of Modality Worklist entries.
    • On any of the Modality Worklist entries from the list :
      • Show Attributes : To view the Modality Worklist entry attributes.
      • Edit MWL : To update one or more Modality Worklist entry attributes.
      • Delete MWL : To delete Modality Worklist entry.
      • Upload file : To upload either an image, video or pdf file to study.
  • Select UWLs tab, (you may specify one or more filters) and proceed with :
    • SUBMIT : To see list of Unified Worklist entries.
    • On any of the Unified Worklist entries from the list :
      • Show Attributes : To view the Unified Worklist entry attributes.
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