Accessing Multiple Own Archive Instances - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki


In a scenario wherein multiple archive instances are connected to a shared LDAP and/or database, it may become necessary to monitor / use the archive instances of such a clustered setup from one archive instance node.


  • Since it is a shared LDAP setup, the configurations done for each of the archives shall be available to all other archives (in the cluster) on startup. If not, clone archive 1 and change the device name, Network Connections, AEs and Web Applications of the cloned archive device(s).
  • By default the dcm4chee-arc archive device does not have any http or https Network Connections configured. To be able to access web services of other archives in the cluster from dcm4chee-arc archive device, one will have to add these http and/or https Network Connections.

Assuming the cloned archive device as dcm4chee-arc-2.

Using Archive UI

  • Go to Configuration -> Devices -> dcm4chee-arc-2 -> Child Objects -> Network Connections and Add new Network Connections.
  • Set Name as http, provide values for Hostname and Port where this dcm4chee-arc-2 archive device's http connection is listening and Save.
  • Go to its Network Connection Extension and set Protocol as HTTP.
  • Repeat the steps for https, if one wants to access dcm4chee-arc-2 archive device web services also with secured http.
  • If the dcm4chee-arc device was cloned, the web applications also are cloned to the new device. But one has to go to individual web applications and change the Web Service Path and AE Title to reflect the new AETs of the cloned device. For eg. go to Configuration -> Devices -> dcm4chee-arc-2 -> Device Extension -> Child Objects -> Web Applications -> DCM4CHEE_CLONE; change the Web Service Path from /dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/rs to /dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE_CLONE/rs. Also associate AE Title as DCM4CHEE_CLONE and Save.
  • Repeat the above step of associating AET of cloned device for DCM4CHEE-WADO_CLONE Web Application in the dcm4chee-arc-2 device.

Using LDAP

One may either

  • create a LDIF file (e.g.):

      version: 1
      dn: cn=http,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc-2,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      objectClass: dicomNetworkConnection
      objectClass: dcmNetworkConnection
      dicomHostname: localhost
      cn: http
      dcmProtocol: HTTP
      dicomPort: 8780
      dn: cn=https,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc-2,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      objectClass: dcmNetworkConnection
      objectClass: dicomNetworkConnection
      dicomHostname: localhost
      cn: https
      dcmProtocol: HTTP
      dicomPort: 8743
      dn: dcmWebAppName=DCM4CHEE_CLONE,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc-2,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      objectClass: dcmWebApp
      dcmWebAppName: DCM4CHEE_CLONE
      dcmWebServiceClass: WADO_RS
      dcmWebServiceClass: STOW_RS
      dcmWebServiceClass: QIDO_RS
      dcmWebServiceClass: QIDO_COUNT
      dcmWebServiceClass: DCM4CHEE_ARC_AET
      dcmWebServicePath: /dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE_CLONE/rs
      dicomAETitle: DCM4CHEE_CLONE
      dicomDescription: Hide instances rejected for Quality Reasons
      dicomNetworkConnectionReference: cn=https,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc-2,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      dn: dcmWebAppName=DCM4CHEE-WADO_CLONE,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      dicomDescription: Hide instances rejected for Quality Reasons
      dcmWebServiceClass: WADO_URI
      objectClass: dcmWebApp
      dicomAETitle: DCM4CHEE_CLONE
      dcmWebAppName: DCM4CHEE-WADO_CLONE
      dcmWebServicePath: /dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE_CLONE/wado

    and import it to the LDAP Server by using the ldapmodify command line utility.

  • or use the Add Attribute... and Add Value... function of Apache Directory Studio to add attributes on Device level (e.g.: dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc) in the Archive Configuration.

Refer Network Connection and Web Application to understand the description of attributes.


  • On dcm4chee-arc device go to Navigation page -> Studies tab, select DCM4CHEE_CLONE from Web App Service dropdown, (specify one or more filters) and proceed with :
    • SUBMIT : To see list of studies.
    • COUNT : To see count of studies.
    • SIZE : To see size of studies.
    • On any of the Study from the list :
      • Toggle Attributes : To view the study attributes.
      • Edit this Study : To update one or more study attributes.
      • Set/Change Expired Date : To retain study until a certain period in future.
      • Verify Storage Commitment : To schedule storage verification of study.
      • Export Study : To export study to a remote destination (eg. storescp utility) using
        • Synchronised DICOM exporter
        • Queued exporter : DICOM Exporter configuration required.
      • Download as CSV : To save list of series of study as a CSV file.
      • Upload file : To upload either an image, video or pdf file to study.
      • Retrieve Study as stored at the archive : To retrieve study as stored at the archive as a zip file.
      • Retrieve Study uncompressed : To retrieve uncompressed study as a zip file.
      • Show Series : To see series of study.
      • Delete study permanently : To delete a study permanently. (Allow Delete Study Permanently configuration required)
      • Reject Study : To reject a study.
    • On any of the Series of Study from the list :
      • Show Attributes : To view the series attributes.
      • Verify Storage Commitment : To schedule storage verification of series.
      • Export Series : To export series to a remote destination (eg. storescp utility) using
        • Synchronised DICOM exporter
        • Queued exporter : DICOM Exporter configuration required.
      • Download as CSV : To save list of instances of series as a CSV file.
      • Retrieve Series as stored at the archive : To retrieve series as stored at the archive as a zip file.
      • Retrieve Series uncompressed : To retrieve uncompressed series as a zip file.
      • Show Instances : To see instances of series.
    • On any of the Instance of Series from the list :
      • Show Attributes : To view the instance attributes as stored in database.
      • Show Attributes from file : To view the instance attributes from DICOM file.
      • Verify Storage Commitment : To schedule storage verification of instance.
      • Export Instance : To export instance to a remote destination (eg. storescp utility) using
        • Synchronised DICOM exporter
        • Queued exporter : DICOM Exporter configuration required.
      • Download DICOM object : To retrieve DICOM object as stored at the archive.
      • Download Uncompressed DICOM object : To retrieve uncompressed DICOM object.
      • View DICOM object : To view the DICOM object as image, video or pdf.
    • From More functions dropdown :
      • Upload DICOM object : To upload/store one or more DICOM objects to archive.
      • Export matching studies : To export all of the matching studies to a remote destination (eg. storescp utility) using Queued DICOM Exporter configuration.
      • Storage Verification : To schedule storage verification of all matching studies.
      • Download Studies as CSV : To save list of all matching studies as a CSV file.
      • Reject matching studies : To reject all matching studies.
    • Select Toggle checkboxes from Actions for selections dropdown
      • Select any study/series/instance and Mark selected study for copy. Next select any other Patient or Study and Start process of copying/moving/linking or merging and Copy
      • Select any study/series/instance and Mark selected study for move. Next select any other Patient or Study and Start process of copying/moving/linking or merging; next Select rejected type and Move.
      • Select any study/series/instance and Mark selected study for linking with MWL. Next go to MWLs tab and SUBMIT to see list of Modality Worklist entries. Select a MWL and Start process of copying/moving/linking or merging; next Select rejected type and Link.
  • Select Patients tab, (you may specify one or more filters) and proceed with :
    • SUBMIT : To see list of patients.
    • COUNT : To see count of patients.
    • On any of the Patient from the list :
      • Toggle Attributes : To view the patient attributes.
      • Edit this Patient : To update one or more patient attributes.
      • Add new MWL : To update one or more patient attributes.
      • Upload file : To upload either an image, video or pdf file to patient.
      • Download as CSV : To save list of studies of patient as a CSV file.
      • Show Studies : To see studies of patient.
      • Delete this Patient : To delete a patient permanently. (Allow Delete Patient configuration required)
    • From More functions dropdown :
      • Create patient : To create a new patient.
    • Select Toggle checkboxes from Actions for selections dropdown
      • Select any patient and Mark selected patient for merge. Next select any other patient and Start process of copying/moving/linking or merging and Merge.
  • Select MWLs tab, (you may specify one or more filters) and proceed with :
    • SUBMIT : To see list of Modality Worklist entries.
    • COUNT : To see count of Modality Worklist entries.
    • On any of the Modality Worklist entries from the list :
      • Show Attributes : To view the Modality Worklist entry attributes.
      • Edit MWL : To update one or more Modality Worklist entry attributes.
      • Delete MWL : To delete Modality Worklist entry.
      • Upload file : To upload either an image, video or pdf file to study.
  • Select UWLs tab, (you may specify one or more filters) and proceed with :
    • SUBMIT : To see list of Unified Worklist entries.
    • On any of the Unified Worklist entries from the list :
      • Show Attributes : To view the Unified Worklist entry attributes.
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