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How to make chart overview


  • DancingOnigiri "CW Edition" Source
    (Releases or Changelog in Github, or download from git clone)
    • When downloading from "Releases", press "Source code (zip)" to download a complete set.
  • DancingOnigiri Editor * Download either
    • DancingOnigiri Editor (for "CW Edition")
    • Kibuntenkan ni RPG (FUJI's Editor)
      -> [Tools]
      ->  -> editor200.lzh (5, 7, 7i, 9, 11keys) or nkeyeditor.lzh (Others keys)
      • If you want to use "FUJI's Editor", please download and replace the template file here.
    • Cross Walker (tickle's Editor)
      -> [Tools]
       -> Dancing Onigiri Editor (Ver3.6.0 or later) * Currently deprecated due to Flash version
  • Text editor (You can use an easy-to-use one. The following is recommended.)
  • Music files (mp3, ogg files, etc.)

Overview of creating charts

  1. Save the source set to any directory.
  2. Use [danoni/danoni0.html] as a reference to create an HTML base.
    At a minimum, the following description is required. (Copy and paste available)
    Place the save destination in the [danoni] directory or any directory in the same hierarchy.
    Detailed settings are possible in the charts header.
    See Chart settings specification for details.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!--// Character code specification (UTF-8 recommended) //-->
    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <!--// Javascript file used by DanOni. The following are required. //-->
    <script src="../js/danoni_main.js"></script>

      The chart data itself. At a minimum, the following description is required.  
      The bracketed part and http://~ must be changed to the actual address.  
        musicTitle: Music information
        difData: Chart information (Specify in order of key type, chart name, initial speed.
                 You can specify multiple charts with $ separator.)
        musicUrl: Specify the music file name to be stored in the [music] directory.
        tuning: Maker information
    <input type="hidden" name="dos" id="dos" value='

|musicTitle=(Music name),(Artist name),|


|tuning=(Maker name),|

    <!--// Dancing☆Onigiri(CW Edition) itself. 
           The width value can be changed. 500px or more recommended. //-->
    <div id="canvas-frame">
      <p>Preparing the game ...</p>
      <p>If this message persists, please use a browser that supports HTML5, such as Google Chrome or Firefox.</p>
  1. Place the music file in the [music] directory.
    Replace the description of |musicUrl=nosound.mp3| in the HTML file described in 2.
    with the name of the saved music file.

  2. Open the created HTML file and check that the screen is displayed.
    Also, go to [Click Here!]-> [Play] and check that the specified music file is loaded.

  3. Open the "Dancing Onigiri Editor".

    • Please refer to the help in the editor for how to make. Example1 Example2 (Japanese)
    • If you have made a Flash version, the procedure is exactly the same.
    • "dos.txt" in the procedure corresponds to the above-mentioned chart data itself.
      The SWF file is only for the Flash version.
  4. Replace the created chart data with the following part in the html file created in 2.

  1. Save the HTML file and check if the music and charts play.
    Please adjust the timing appropriately using the editor.

How to make chart data in an external file (ver2.5.0 or later)

Variables are the same except for the described method.
A combination with the above method is also possible.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!--// Character code specification (UTF-8 recommended) //-->
    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <!--// Javascript file used by DanOni. The following are required. //-->
    <script src="../js/danoni_main.js"></script>

    <!--// Description when the chart data is written in a separate file //-->
    <input type="hidden" name="externalDos" id="externalDos" value="dos1.txt">
    <!--// Dancing☆Onigiri(CW Edition) itself. The width value can be changed. 500px or more recommended. //-->
    <div id="canvas-frame">
      <p>Preparing the game ...</p>
      <p>If this message persists, please use a browser that supports HTML5, such as Google Chrome or Firefox.</p>

Contents of external file (dos1.txt in this case)
(Characters in two lines above and below are required)

function externalDosInit() {   /* required */
  g_externalDos = `            /* required */

|musicTitle=(Music name),(Artist name),|


|tuning=(Maker name),|

  `;                           /* required */
}                              /* required */

How to create an external chart file using FUJI's editor

  • By setting as follows, chart data can be output directly to a text file.


function externalDosInit() {
  g_externalDos = `

|musicTitle=(Music name),(Artist name),|


  • Since &tuning=NAME follows, put//at the end to prevent js errors.

Reference: Other settings

URI decoding setting in charts

  • For example, "%26" is converted to "&". The default is no URI decoding.
    To enable it, you need to write the following on the HTML side.
<input type="hidden" name="enableDecodeURI" id="enableDecodeURI" value="true">

Setting of "&" delimiter in charts

  • By removing the "&" delimiter, you can use "&" in music titles and URLs.
    The default allows both "&" and "|" delimiters.
    To remove the "&" delimiter, write the following on the HTML side.
<input type="hidden" name="enableAmpersandSplit" id="enableAmpersandSplit" value="false">

File division setting for each chart

  • Used in combination with externalDos. The default is the non-split (false) setting.
    When divided, in the example below, the first chart is "chart.txt", the second chart is "chart2.txt", the third chart is "chart3.txt", and so on.
<!--// ExternalDos definition //-->
<input type="hidden" name="externalDos" id="externalDos" value="chart.txt">

<!--// chart file division flag (If value is set to "true", the file is divided for each chart) //-->
<input type="hidden" name="externalDosDivide" id="externalDosDivide" value="true">
  • Normally, the chart number is "2" for the second chart and "3" for the third chart.
    I think there are cases where you don't want to change the chart number even if you divide the file.
    In that case, it is possible by adding the following settings. (without numbers such as left_data, down_data is always read.)
<!--// chart number fixed flag (If value is set to "true", the chart number is the same as the first chart number even if the chart number changes) //-->
<input type="hidden" name="externalDosLock" id="externalDosLock" value="true">

| < How to set up and play on a local server || How to make chart overview | How to use "Dancing☆Onigiri Preview" > |

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