BL2 Weapons Gear: Shields - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Weapons/Gear: Shields
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Aid Station, by Kazy
all shield parts, by Ethel
AmpRoid, by Robeth
Antagonist_Slag_Icon, by Natsu235
Auto-booster v2, by theNocturni
BBBBAutoPickUp, by KuroPanther_M
BetterBlackHoleAndImpaler, by Aaron0000
Boss Rush, by GoldenGizzmo
CandyBag, by AutumnWitch
Continuous amp drain, by LightChaosman
CorrosiveFOTFH, by SirUmnei
CorrosiveThumper, by SirUmnei
Divergence (1340 Shield Replacer), by Freya
Electro, by AutumnWitch
Feral Rage (Order), by B33PB00PJOE
FireThumper, by SirUmnei
Ghostrider (from Ghostrider.txt), by WarMocK
Ghostrider (from GhostriderBLC.txt), by WarMocK
Gundropper, by FromDarkHell
Gundropper, by MagicGonads
Inferno, by TheRealVenom
Jakobs Order, by Aaron0000
JavaPowerhouse, by GoldenGizzmo
Moxxi Shield, by Robeth
OPSham, by Greem
Osmosis, by Aaron0000
Pocket Money, by GoldenGizzmo
ReactorShieldType, by Siggles
Shield Behavior Overhaul V1.3a by Orudeon, by Orudeon
Shield Capacity Buff Uncapper, by HypeRabbit
Shield of Ages, by Aaron0000
Shield Parts Spawn Fix, by VexilleSerra
Shield Stat Tweaks V1.1 by Orudeon, by Orudeon
ShockFOTFH, by SirUmnei
ShockThumper, by SirUmnei
shoot_me_, by Exotek
Slag flame of the firehawk, by Shadowevil
Sponge, by SirUmnei
Steel Meridian, by Kazy
Steel Meridian - Gear-Dependant Shield, by Kazy
Super Moves™, by GoldenGizzmo
The Cocky Hare, by Kazy
White Wedding - Legendary Absorb Shield, by Kazy
WTF 2 Supplydrop, by Ethel
Zero Capacity Manly Man Shield, by Coleby
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