Shield Capacity Buff Uncapper - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

Shield Capacity Buff Uncapper

Author: HypeRabbit

Last Updated: September 29, 2019

In Categories: Shields, General QoL

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As a result of how BL2 calculates shield capacity, percentage-based buffs (like those from Maya's Ward skill or a Protection Relic) give the same flat bonus to a high capacity shield (like a Turtle), that they'd give to a mediocre shield of the same level. A 10% buff, for example, would only be 10% if the capacity of your shield is under a certain threshold for its level. This threshold is quite low; most shields of green or higher rarity would exceed it. This mod aims to change that, allowing a buff to be accurate regardless of your shield's capacity.

All it does is move a few numbers around, but be aware: this mod affects every shield that isn't Rough Rider. If you use any other mods that change shield stats, they might conflict with this.

In fact, this mod overwrites some statements in the Unofficial Community Patch. I've merged conflicting statements into optional "compatibility" configurations for this mod, that you may choose from by importing this mod in BLCMM. These compatibility versions were made from UCP version 5.0.2.

Many thanks to apple1417 for teaching me how to mod, and helping me figure out all of the math for this mod.

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

Percentage-based buffs to shield capacity (like from skills or relics)
have a cap imposed on them, that prevents the bonus from exceeding a certain amount.
This number's actually a bit low, and most shields of green or higher rarity will end up not getting the full effect they should.
This mod removes that cap.
Some of this mod's statements conflict with UCP, so I've merged the conflicting statements into optional compatibility versions.

Many thanks to apple1417 for helping me figure out all the math behind this.
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