BL2 Farming and Looting: Vending Machines - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Farming and Looting: Vending Machines
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Better Vendors, by Hemaxhu
BL1 Vendors, by Jim Raven
Cheaper Black Market, by Coleby
Cobra in Torgue Machine, by Alex
Economy Fixes & Improvements, by Seud
EZAmmoVendors, by Ethel
Firing Range Vendors, by Ethel
Hotfixes (from Vendor+ v2.2.txt), by theNocturni
LegVendor, by EmpireScum
MakeRefillVendorsGreatAgainCOMBOBREAKER, by Jim Raven
MakeVendorsGreatAgain2017, by Jim Raven
Manufacturer Sorted Vending Machines, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
OPWeaponVendors, by Greem
Price Calculation Fixes - BL2, by Seud
Quicker Shop Resets, by AutumnWitch
RefillVendors, by Jim Raven
Seraph Vendor Compat Fix, by Ethel
Seraphs Sell for Crystals V1.0 by Mike, by Orudeon
Torgue Modified New U And Fast Travel Stations, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Unique Vendor, by Ethel
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