BL1 Vendors - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

BL1 Vendors

Author: Jim Raven

Last Updated: November 12, 2017

In Categories: Vending Machines

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Description (from inside mod)

Mod By Jim Raven
Mod Request By CamelHumpWhatBeenFumbled.
Version 3.0 Reduced rates once again and Added Etech for weapon vendors.
This mod makes it so Vendors are more in line with BL1 vendors. Meaning you can rarely find
a Legendary in the normal items while Purple are a bit more often and Blues even more while Whites
and green have the majority of spawns.
Math is not exact but this was the target spawns. 0.8% Legendary 1% etech 2.5% purple 10% Blue 40% green 45.7% white
whites and greens.
Item Of the day Is now a bit missleading as it follows about the same logic but without the whites
and greens.
Keep In mind i have very few hours on BL1 so i worked with whatever number were given to me.
Feel Free to use The Filter tool to change whatever you dont like
Incorporates My Relics on Nades vendor tweak from MakeVendorsGreatAgain.
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