Manufacturer Sorted Vending Machines - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

Manufacturer Sorted Vending Machines

Author: OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell

Last Updated: February 21, 2019

In Categories: General QoL, Vending Machines

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Description (from inside mod)

Mod written by GitHub: (Our Lord And Savioar Gabe Newell) / NexusMods: (OB4MA)

Makes all generic vendors sort by Manufacturer type by default.
Unfortunately it makes ammo not stay in the same sorting each time.  I tried various combinations to try to fix it, to no avail.
Renames shop titles to fit the vendor better. Renames various tabs, removes funky UI rotation and, if enabled, creates a more cinematic vendor enter and exit.

This mod DOES work with vending machine loot pool changes, so you can use this with Reborn, Make Vendors Great Again, or whatever.
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