BL2 Farming and Looting: Loot System Overhauls - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Farming and Looting: Loot System Overhauls
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Add Dragon Keep "Alignment" Class Mods to Global and Rare Drop Pool, by pyromaniac420710
AlwaysPrefix, by Edvartsen
Ammo Mod 1.1 BL2, by LollosaurusRex
BL1Loot, by FromDarkHell
BL2 Better Loot Mod, by Apocalyptech
BL2 Cold Dead Hands, by Apocalyptech
BL2 Early Bloomer, by Apocalyptech
BL2 Expanded Legendary Pools, by Apocalyptech
BL2 No Wasted COMs, by Apocalyptech
EveryLoot, by FromDarkHell
Farmfest, by Jim Raven
Gemstone Loot Pools by Orudeon, by Orudeon
Gemstones Gone Wild, by Ethel
Item Lvl Fix - BL2, by VexilleSerra
More Legendary Drops (x3), by Hemaxhu
No Level Requirement For Gear, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
no more fucking skin drops, by Ethel
SeperatePearlsAndECHOS, by Darkdemon8910
Shield Parts Spawn Fix, by VexilleSerra
Slayer COMs Compatibility, by EchoingZen
UVHM2ComsWorldDrop, by Darkdemon8910
Weapon Parts Spawn Fix, by VexilleSerra
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