BL2 Better Loot Mod - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Apocalyptech
Last Updated: July 27, 2019
In Categories: Cheat Mods, Loot System Overhauls
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This mod aims to make loot in Borderlands 2 "better" in general. It's essentially a cheat mod, intended for those BL2 players like myself who tend to play in Normal most of the time, dislike grinding, get bored easily by the uninteresting and drab loot that typically gets dropped in-game, and who often end up just resorting to Gibbed to be able to play around with some better gear. The goal, personally, was to get the loot drops in-game to a point where I never felt tempted to open up Gibbed.
The mod must be loaded into BLCMM, and nearly all of the mod can be toggled on or off inside BLCMM as you'd hope, on an item-by-item basis. Basically every bullet point in the "Overview" section is its own "folder" once imported. See the Configuration section for the most obvious configuration areas.
NOTE: A few mods are known to do some weird things in conjunction with this mod. See the "Compatibility" section below. BL2 Reborn in particular is known to cause crashes and other bad behavior, so definitely do not use this with BL2 Reborn.
- Usage/Installation
- Mod Overview
- Configuration
- Compatibility
- BL2 Reborn
- BL2 Cold Dead Hands
- Shadowevil's "VaultHunter" mod
- Hemaxhu's "More Chubbies" mod
- SirUmnei's "COM Overhaul Pack"
- Other Mods
- Loot Purposefully Excluded from Pools
- Other Recommended Mods
- Bugs
- Other Notes
- Mod Construction / Implementation Details
- Credits
- Licenses
- Changelog
BL2 Better Loot Mod v1.3.5
by Apocalyptech
Licensed under Public Domain / CC0 1.0 Universal
All sorts of tweaks to loot in general, with the aim of basically making all
the loot drops in the game "better". In the default configuration, there is
a very increased chance of blues/purples/etech/legendary items across the
board, slightly more Eridium, and far better badass and boss drops. Also
basically all game items will be available as regular world drops, including
legendaries, uniques, pearls, seraph, and effervescent items.
The specifics of much of the mod, however, including drop quality, can be
configured below. Every section apart from "Base Mod Configuration" is
intended to be user-configurable.
v1.3.5, July 27, 2019:
- Fixed the Fire Drill so that it doesn't disappear from your inventory between runs.
v1.3.4, July 15, 2019 (commit 6f762b444cb42093dc79659939f278b24de0a943
- Buffed Chubby/Tubby drops a bit more, will have a guaranteed drop from the "epic chest" pool.
- Moved Gemstone weapons from the E-Tech pools to the Purple pools
- Medical Mystery will now always correctly reward an E-Tech
- Fixed a few gemstone types which weren't actually dropping properly
v1.3.3, July 11, 2019 (commit 7b2a237de7fbcbaa7bd583d892529b85400954e5
- Updated for full DLC5 (Commander Lilith & the Fight For Sanctuary) compatibility.
- Slight reorganization of main
pool and Class Mod pool to provide better compatibility for hypothetical mods which touch those pools and want to be compatible with Better Loot and without. Not that those exist... - Buffed Loot Midget drop pools.
v1.3.2-and-a-bit, June 11, 2019 (commit 1f3559e5944d249b68ea18ba67fb1d20ee678189
- FromDarkHell updated the BLCMods github to fix the majority of DLC5-related weapon part errors, which included this mod. DLC guns post-Commander-Lilith-DLC were fixed as of this update, though the version number didn't actally get bumped.
v1.3.2, November 6, 2018 (commit 2e729a97a0279f6815254242a65649f9a4438f0e
- Fixed a small typo which would otherwise cause an error to be flagged in a forthcoming version of BLCMM. (No actual functional changes, though.)
v1.3.1, August 24, 2018 (commit fa26171a4536f54becc59ef426333ebfdd8db070
- The Ogre is now properly considered a Legendary, not a Unique, and will be in the legendary pool regardless of whether you have Uniques added or not.
v1.3.0, July 21, 2018 (commit 7774bab49f3adaf65826c69c4265b779705d4a69
- Converted to BLCM format (BLCMM is now required, FilterTool is not supported)
- Merged all versions into a single master file
- "Lootsplosion" and "Reasonable" variants are options in a mutually-exclusive category in the mod, rather than separate files
- Removed "standalone" and "standalone offline" variants (this is now much better managed by BLCMM)
- Added three extra drop quality presets, for a total of five:
- Excellent (formerly "Lootsplosion")
- Very Good
- Good (formerly "Reasonable")
- Improved
- Stock-ish
- Added wider selection of boss unique drop rate selections
- Added a category to choose drop quantities for bosses, in addition to the drop rates
- Set a few creature minibosses (such as Pimon and Tumba) to guarantee their unique drops.
- Allow customized legendary pool by providing options for adding uniques, seraphs, and pearls individually rather than hardcoding them all at once. Moved that category up to being a top-level category as well.
- Removed buffs for Big Game Hunt DLC rare skins. We weren't touching any other skin drop percentages, which made them an anomaly.
- Converted to a nicer method of unlocking early-game weapon/item parts which should play more nicely with custom items (taken from BL2 Early Bloomer)
- Improved chances of dart/spiker spawns, since UCP4.1 gave them some reasonable buffs. Still a bit less likely than gemstone pistols, though
- Reduced drop chances of Treants dropping the Bee, and of the Skeleton Kings dropping the Emperor (so long as UCP is active, in the latter case)
- Resolved conflicts with UCP:
- Set BLNG loader to also drop Sledge's Shotgun, as UCP does, so that we're not overriding that behavior for UCP users. People not using UCP will just have to cope with the extra shotgun drop chance.
- Set Hyperius to use UCP's changes (all DLC1 Seraph items, replacing Kiss of Death with Black Hole)
- Set Badass Creepers to use global drop probabilities for their unique gear (this is present in UCP 4.1 as well)
- Force some early-game gear unlocks, to prevent the first chest at the end of Windshear Waste from being empty of gear, thus blocking mission progress.
- Removed disabled-by-default categories which I'd had in there for my own testing purposes. No real need to have them in there in the first place, and it just made checking/unchecking the mod fraught with potential unintended side effects.
- Fixed some errant commas in a few statements (wasn't actually causing problems, but throwing syntax warnings in BLCMM)
- Alphabetized a few categories which needed it
v1.2.2, April 25, 2018 (commit 2618668b068b93a397820dcbabcae9bf83a67fd8
- Changed mod filenames to have a
v1.2.1, April 25, 2018 (commit 1a51920b01805297d7f15f5341587e9e56cc7758
- Fixed an error in the Torgue Token quantity improvement section.
- Fixed a conflict between our "Force Alignment COMs Blue And Higher" section and our "Exhaustive Weapon/Item Part Unlocks" section.
v1.2.0, March 16, 2018 (commit f5cb4c8cb8db8ad86ce24c69e2bdf2f0af98448e
- Fixed an issue where Plan B and Bright Lights, Flying City wouldn't reward Weapon Slot SDUs on Playthrough 1.
- Buffed "weighted" pools used by some enemies for drops, to be in line with the rest of the mod's drop weights (Marauders being the most obvious example).
- Changes in the "Reasonable Drops" variant:
- Nerfed chances of bosses dropping unique gear
- Nerfed relic drops a bit
- Set Grenades and Rocket Ammo to be available in the early game, both from vendors and world drops
- Buffed Knuckledragger's drops: will drop from the badass pool, and his custom pistol drops will use our improved weights rather than the vanilla game weights.
- Buffed the early-game shotgun chest (on leaving Windshear Waste) to use our custom weights rather than the vanilla game weights.
- Enforced our blue-rarity lockers a little more thoroughly -- previously it was just SMGs/Pistols forced to blue, and other item types (shields, grenades) pulled from our main pools.
- Dumpsters, Bandit Coolers, and Cardboard Boxes will only ever spawn common weapons, when they spawn weapons (previously they used the vanilla game's probabilities for rarity)
- Refactor a lot of probability variables (shouldn't actually have an effect on the mod, though it was a pretty big internal change)
v1.1.1, March 7, 2018 (commit ac9af0507b5b28f51e00f15e047cb019b1fc93e9
- Fixed unlocking early-game elements for Maliwan Aquamarine Snipers on Windows
v1.1.0, March 1, 2018 (commit 4985d37cefc4d4cd339cf73f507c91eaca4c4bb8
- Added "Reasonable Drops" Variant, suffixed original with "Lootsplosion"
- Added some more folder structure inside many of the Raid Boss improvements, so they can be toggled at a more granular level.
- Fixed an error which was causing Dexiduous's drops to be way too huge, even for this mod.
- Nerfed Witch Doctor Relic drop chance a bit (from 60% -> 40%)
- Added an optional folder which doubles the standard enemy drop rate (disabled by default)
- Converted some hotfixes which didn't actually need to be hotfixes, to regular
commands - Fixed the "Shields" loot configuration on Digistruct Peak Dahl chests
v1.0.0, February 26, 2018 (commit 45e70cdc7982ac22715955e5ffb9e3f5963601c7
- Initial public release