BL2 Characters and Skills: Maya Changes - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Characters and Skills: Maya Changes
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Biorespawn's Maya Rework, by Riftedge
Blight Phoenix, by expletivedeleted
Chain Reaction Mod 1.0, by LollosaurusRex
Cleaner Maya visuals, by Maplestruck
Cloud Kill Dynamic Nerf, by 55tumbl
Constant Reaper, by Akathris
Hotfixes (from Phaselock(hotfix) v2.1.txt), by theNocturni
Longer Phaselock Duration, by Coleby
Phaselock in FFYL, by Coleby
Phaselock Tweaks, by 55tumbl
RefundSubSequence, by LightChaosman
Scorn_Unleashed, by Laxlife
Swap Speed Accelerate 1.0, by LollosaurusRex
ToggleMaya, by soze
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