Cloud Kill Dynamic Nerf - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

Cloud Kill Dynamic Nerf

Author: 55tumbl

Last Updated: September 07, 2018

In Categories: Maya Changes

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The Cloud Kill Dynamic Nerf nerfs Cloud Kill, uh well, dynamically. That is, Cloud Kill gets nerfed a lot in the early levels, and a lot less (or pretty much not at all) in the end game. Several options are available.

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Description (from inside mod)

Cloud Kill Dynamic Nerf v1.1 by 55tumbl

*** Normal Maya ***
You know nothing! Child, you have SO much left to learn.
Cloud Kill does about 10% damage at level 16, 41% at level 50, and 95% at OP8.

*** True Maya ***
I didn't go through twenty-seven years of training just to watch enemies die by themselves!
Cloud Kill does about 10% damage at level 16, 36% at level 50, and 78% at OP8.

*** Ultimate Maya ***
Duh, I never even specced into Cloud Kill. If anyone tries to suggest it, I'll incinerate their brain.
Cloud Kill does about 7% damage at level 16, 27% at level 50, and 63% at OP8.

(don't worry, whatever you choose, it's still OP)
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