Other: Cheat Mods - blcm/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 3: Other: Cheat Mods
Borderlands 3 Mods
Advanced Damage Avoidance, by SpiderLenny
Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 1, by Apocalyptech
Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 10, by Apocalyptech
Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 100, by Apocalyptech
Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 150, by Apocalyptech
Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 200, by Apocalyptech
Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 25, by Apocalyptech
Anointment Re-Roll Cost: 50, by Apocalyptech
Anointment Re-Roll Cost: Free, by Apocalyptech
Arms Race Cheat, by Apocalyptech
Assorted Character Buffs, by SpiderLenny
Barrel Nerf (turned into Eridium on MTD, AR and CoS), by CZ47
Better Maliwan Charge Time, by Apocalyptech
Better Mayhem Rewards, by Apocalyptech
Better Slots, by Apocalyptech
Cheaper Eridium Economy, by Apocalyptech
Cheaper SDUs, by Apocalyptech
Cheaper Slots, by Apocalyptech
Decreased Mayhem Enemy Scaling, by Apocalyptech
Diamond Chest: Eridium Cost, by DexManly
Diamond Chest: Free Cost, by DexManly
Diamond Chest: Golden Key Cost, by DexManly
Diamond Chest: Money Cost, by DexManly
Fast Levelling: Fast Variant (very cheaty!), by Apocalyptech
Fast Levelling: Faster Variant (very cheaty!), by Apocalyptech
Fast Levelling: Insane Variant (very cheaty!), by Apocalyptech
Fast Levelling: Mildly Speedy Variant, by hallowfiend
Faster Slide, by Poïpoï
First Gun Chest: Full Loadout, by Apocalyptech
First Gun Chest: Testing Gear, by Apocalyptech
Free Hemovorous Door, by Apocalyptech
Free Respawn, by Apocalyptech
Free Respec, by Apocalyptech
God Bear, by SSpyR
God Clone, by SSpyR
God Skag, by SSpyR
Gold Chest: Eridium Cost, by DexManly
Gold Chest: Free Cost, by DexManly
Gold Chest: Money Cost, by DexManly
Guardian 4N631 No Longer Long Distance, by SpiderLenny
Health Gate Remover, by Lonemasterino
Infinite Fade Away Duration, by Phenom
Infinite Gamma Burst Duration, by Phenom
Infinite Slide, by Apocalyptech
Infinite SNTNL Drone Duration, by Phenom
Instant Pet Respawn, by Phenom
Iron Bear - Unlimited Fuel (from StygianEmperor_IronBearUnlimitedFuel.bl3hotfix), by Stygian Emperor
Iron Bear - Unlimited Fuel (from StygianEmperor_IronBearUnlimitedFuel_FullRefund.bl3hotfix), by Stygian Emperor
Key Eridium Fabricator, by CraZy Marty 695
Legendary Arms Race, by Poïpoï
Lenny's Assorted Gear Buffs, by SpiderLenny
Mayhem Modifier Nerfs, by Apocalyptech
Modtest Char Setup (at beginning of the game), by Apocalyptech
Money Grenade Changes: Diamond Keys, by Apocalyptech
Money Grenade Changes: Eridium, by Apocalyptech
Money Grenade Changes: Grenades, by Apocalyptech
Money Grenade Changes: Loot, by Apocalyptech
More Max Ammo, by ZetaDaemon
Mountaineer, by Apocalyptech
Movement Speed Cheats - Extreme Improvements, by Apocalyptech
Movement Speed Cheats - Normal, by Apocalyptech
Movement Speed Cheats - Reasonable Improvements, by Apocalyptech
Moze Skill - Reactive Armor - 60% Resistance Branch (WCICATG Replacement), by Stygian Emperor
No Action Skills Cooldown All Characters, by Phenom
No Action Skills Cooldown Beastmaster, by Phenom
No Action Skills Cooldown Gunner, by Phenom
No Action Skills Cooldown Operative, by Phenom
No Action Skills Cooldown Siren, by Phenom
No Cryo Penalty, by Apocalyptech
No Heavy Weapon Player Speed Penalty, by Stygian Emperor
No Self Splash Damage, by erthwormsam
Non-Maliwan Charge Speed, by SpiderLenny
Obscene Ammo Regen Buffs, by SpiderLenny
Power Ranger Clone, by Phenom
Really Lucky 7, by CZ47
Really Lucky 7 (Always Corrosive), by CZ47
Really Lucky 7 (Always Fire), by CZ47
Really Lucky 7 (Always Semi Auto), by CZ47
Really Lucky 7 (Always Shock), by CZ47
Really Lucky 7 (No element conversion), by CZ47
Relaxed Skill Requirements, by Stygian Emperor
Shadoe's Insane Guardian Rank plus Fabricator Fix, by BlackberryShadoe
Short Guardian Takedown Crystal Charge: Instant, by Apocalyptech
Short Guardian Takedown Crystal Charge: Regular, by Apocalyptech
ShowMeThePurplex2, by ZetaDaemon
ShowMeThePurplex20, by ZetaDaemon
ShowMeThePurplex5, by ZetaDaemon
Slide Jumper, by Poïpoï
Specific Movement Speed Adjustments, by PHM2D
Super Buff: Crader's EM-P5, by Apocalyptech
Super Buff: Transformer, by Apocalyptech
Taste of Defeet, by CZ47
Universl COMS, by Itzsmugg
Universl coms in arms race starter chest, by Itzsmugg
Unlimited Bank & Backpack, by Phenom
Unlimited Vehicles Boost, by Phenom
Unrestricted Skilltrees, by CZ47
VolleyBall Amara, by Phenom
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