General Gameplay and Balance: Other Gameplay Changes - blcm/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 3: General Gameplay and Balance: Other Gameplay Changes
Borderlands 3 Mods
3000 hyperion slaughter, by altef-4
3000 mobs count scale / spawn randomizer, by altef-4
4 Player Enemy Health in 1P, 2P & 3P Lobbies, by CZ47
Arm's Race Starter Chest: blue, by skruntskrunt
Arm's Race Starter Chest: green, by skruntskrunt
Arm's Race Starter Chest: orange, by skruntskrunt
Arm's Race Starter Chest: purple, by skruntskrunt
Arms Race Gear in Arms Race, by skruntskrunt
Balands (from Balands - 3 - Complete Version.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Balands (from Balands - 3 - Balancing.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Barrel Nerf (turned into Eridium on MTD, AR and CoS), by CZ47
Boss Guardian Takedown: DLC3 Invasion, by skruntskrunt
Boss Guardian Takedown: Modders Cut, by skruntskrunt
Boss Race, by skruntskrunt
Boss Rush Slaughter 3000: Billy and the Clone-a-saurus, by skruntskrunt
Boss Rush slaughter 3000: Billy and the clone-a-saurus (First-Try-Saurian-Edition), by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: All Trials, by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: All Trials Seed 2, by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: All Trials Seed 3, by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: Cunning seed 1, by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: Cunning seed 42, by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: Fervor seed 1, by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: Fervor seed 41, by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: Fervor seed 42, by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: Instinct seed 42, by skruntskrunt
Boss Trials: Modders Cut, by skruntskrunt
Consistent & Mitigated Element Influence on Damage, by Stygian Emperor
Crit Manufacture, by Wayne-The-Brain-McClain
Cryo DoTs, by Itzsmugg
Djira Ball, by CZ47
Early Bloomer, by Apocalyptech
Enemy Equips: All The Shoddy, by Apocalyptech
Enemy Equips: All World Drops, by Apocalyptech
Enemy Equips: Legendaries (all), by Apocalyptech
Enemy Equips: Legendaries (typelocked), by Apocalyptech
Enemy Equips: Typelocked World Drops, by Apocalyptech
Fragile Eridium Clusters, by Apocalyptech
Guardian Rank Effect Changes, by SpiderLenny
Infighting, by Apocalyptech
Mitosis Harker, by skruntskrunt
No Elemental Penalties/Bonuses, by CZ47
Reduced SpawnDelay MTD, by CZ47
Redux, by EpicNNG
Shadoe's Insane Guardian Rank plus Fabricator Fix, by BlackberryShadoe
Shadoe's Mayhem Raid, by BlackberryShadoe
StandAlone Third Person, by screen names
True Trials, by skruntskrunt
Universl coms in arms race starter chest, by Itzsmugg
Unlock DLC3 Tech, by Apocalyptech
Vehicle Unlocks, by Apocalyptech
Vehicle Unlocks (Legacy), by Apocalyptech
Vehicle Unlocks+, by Apocalyptech
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