stackfocus - bakkeby/dusk GitHub Wiki

Function Expected argument Default keybindings
stackfocus int Listed separately further down

The stackfocus function allows for focusing on clients at specific positions in the client stack on a workspace.

Refer to the stacker page for a rundown on setup instructions and how this works.

Below is an explanation for what the default keybindings do.

Default keybindings (when enabled) Description
AltGr+Ctrl+w Focus on the client at the first position in the stack
AltGr+Ctrl+e Focus on the client at the second position in the stack
AltGr+Ctrl+a Focus on the client at the third position in the stack
AltGr+Ctrl+z Focus on the client at the last position in the stack
AltGr+Ctrl+j Focus on the next client in the stack
AltGr+Ctrl+k Focus on the previous client in the stack
AltGr+Ctrl+s Focus on the previously selected client

External commands:

duskc run_command stackfocus 1     # focus on the client at the first position in the stack
duskc run_command stackfocus 2     # focus on the client at the second position in the stack
duskc run_command stackfocus 3     # focus on the client at the third position the stack
duskc run_command stackfocus -1    # focus on the client at the last position the stack
duskc run_command stackfocus 1999  # focus on the previous client in the stack
duskc run_command stackfocus 2001  # focus on the next client in the stack
duskc run_command stackfocus 3000  # focus on the previously selected client
duskc run_command stackfocus 4001  # focus on the first master client
duskc run_command stackfocus 4002  # focus on the second master client
duskc run_command stackfocus 5001  # focus on the first stack client
duskc run_command stackfocus 5002  # focus on the second stack client
duskc run_command stackfocus 5003  # focus on the third stack client

Tip: this can also be set up with key modes or key chains when using sxhkd to handle keybindings.

This is intended to be combined with the stackpush and stackswap commands.

Also see the focusstack function.

Back to Functions > Tiled.

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