focusstack - bakkeby/dusk GitHub Wiki

Function Expected argument Default keybindings
focusstack 1, -1, 2, -2 Listed separately further down

The focusstack function allows for focusing on clients up and down the client stack.

By default the focusstack function will allow the focus to drift across visible workspaces, and in turn across monitors.

The latter can be disabled with the RestrictFocusstackToMonitor function, but focus can still drift from one workspace to another if more than one workspace is visible on a monitor.

Optionally the function can also be used to focus on hidden clients (in order to unhide them using the keyboard alone).

Default keybindings Description
Super+j Focus on the next client in the stack
Super+k Focus on the previous client in the stack
Super+Alt+Shift+j Focus on the next client in the stack incl. hidden clients
Super+Alt+Shift+k Focus on the previous client in the stack incl. hidden clients

External commands:

duskc run_command focusstack 1   # focus on the next client in the stack
duskc run_command focusstack -1  # focus on the previous client in the stack
duskc run_command focusstack 2   # focus on the next client in the stack incl. hidden clients
duskc run_command focusstack -2  # focus on the previous client in the stack incl. hidden clients

Also see the stackfocus function.

Back to Functions > Tiled.

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