WinTitle_Hidden_Module - bakkeby/dusk GitHub Wiki

The WinTitle Hidden module shows window titles for hidden windows in the bar.

By default window titles for hidden windows show up on a secondary bar at the bottom of the screen.



The module is controlled by this entry in the barrules array in config.h.

{ -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, BAR_ALIGN_RIGHT_RIGHT, size_wintitle_hidden, draw_wintitle_hidden, click_wintitle_hidden, "wintitle_hidden" },

The above can be removed if not required. Refer to the Bar Rules page for general information on rules configuration.


Refer to the clicks section of the FlexWinTitle module.


Hidden windows can also be shown in the top bar along with other (tiled) windows by setting the weight of hidden windows to a positive value.

static int flexwintitle_hiddenweight = 0;  // hidden window title weight, set to 0 to not show hidden windows

Also refer to the weights section of the FlexWinTitle module.


There are no separate indicators for hidden clients. The indicator used will depend on other states such as whether the client is tiled or floating.


The module piggy-backs on the FlexWinTitle module hence it uses the Flex colour schemes for floating windows.

Colour Scheme Description
SchemeHidNorm The window is hidden
SchemeHidSel The window is hidden, but selected

The SchemeHidSel scheme is a special case to highlight clients that are hidden but are still selected using keyboard shortcuts. Refer to the focusstack and focushidden functions for more on this.

Also refer to the Xresources page.

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