Marking - bakkeby/dusk GitHub Wiki

Clients can be marked for group action.

What this means is that multiple clients can be selected and certain actions that normally only affect the client that has focus will apply to all marked clients across workspaces.

As an example one can mark several clients, hit the Super+q keybinding to trigger the killclient function and all marked clients will be closed.

Example marking clients using the mouse:


Via keybindings it is also possible to select all clients on a workspace, or one at a time.


Here is a list of functions that control marking of clients:

Function Description
mark Marks the selected client for group action
markall Marks all clients on the current workspace for group action
markmouse Allows for clients to be marked and unmarked using the mouse
togglemark Toggles the marked status for the current client
unmark Unmarkes the selected client
unmarkall Unmarks all marked clients across all workspaces

Not all functions support group action via marked clients.

Here is a list of the functions that do support this:

Function Description Topic
changeopacity Changes the opacity of a window during runtime Window
killclient Kills the selected client on the current workspace Window
movetowsbyname Moves the currently active window to the workspace with a given name Workspaces
movewsdir Move a client to the workspace on the immediate left or right of the active workspace Workspaces
movews Move a client window to another workspace by clicking on the workspace icon on the bar Workspaces
removescratch Removes scratchpad assignment for the selected client Scratchpads
setscratch Adds scratchpad assignment for the selected client Scratchpads
showhideclient Allows hiding and revealing hidden clients by right-clicking window titles in the bar Bar
togglefloating Makes clients switch between tiled and floating mode Floating

Marked clients are automatically unmarked when a group action is performed.

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