BarBorder - bakkeby/dusk GitHub Wiki

The BarBorder functionality draws a border around the bar to give it the same look and feel as the client windows.


By default the colour of the bar border will be the same as that of the master area which again depends on the layout.

If the BarActiveGroupBorderColor functionality is enabled then the colour of the bar border will be the same as that of the currently active area, which means that the colour may change when focus moves between master and stack areas.

If the BarMasterGroupBorderColor functionality is enabled then the colour of the bar border will be the same as the master group of the current layout.

If both of the above is disabled then the bar border colour will be that of the SchemeTitleNorm colour scheme.

If the BarBorder functionality is turned off then the bar is drawn without the border.


If in the above case it in will generally look better if the BarPadding functionality is disabled.

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