moglmorpher - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
Matlab OpenGL Morpher - Performs linear morphs between different 3D shapes and
renders the resulting shape via OpenGL. Supports high-performance GPU
based morphing on recent graphics hardware. Also performs linear morphing
(linear combinations) between different texture images.
The moglmorpher computes linear combinations of shapes and their corresponding
surface normal vectors and texture coordinate assignments. It then renders the
resulting shape with its resulting surface normals and texture coordinates in
an efficient way, using the OpenGL for Matlab (MOGL) functions.
It also allows to render single sub-meshes efficiently, as well as
predictions of screen space 2D (x,y) coordinates of vertices in the mesh.
The whole setup for rendering (rigid orientation and position, camera view transforms,
assignment and setup of textures or material properties, lighting, shaders, ...) is
left to the calling parent routines, focusing solely on high performance morphing
and rendering of generic triangle meshes. This allows for maximum flexibility.
For a specific examples of usage, have a look at MorphDemo.m and
IMPORTANT: At the end of your script, you must call moglmorpher('reset')
to release all ressources and reset moglmorpher into a well-defined
state. Alternatively, you can call 'clear moglmorpher', e.g., if your
script aborted with an error. If your forget either of these, you'll see
some weird error messages about "Invalid window record referenced"
at invocation of the command.
moglmorpher('ForceGPUMorphingEnabled', enableflag);
Forcefully enable or disable GPU based morphing. 'enableFlag'==1 ->
Forcefully enable, 'enableFlag'==0 --> Forcefully disable.
moglmorpher can perform all morphing computations and rendering completely
on the GPU on modern graphics hardware that supports this. This provides
a significant speedup over morphing in Matlab/Octave code on the slower
CPU. Normally, moglmorpher auto-detects if GPU based morphing is possible
and then enables that feature. If GPU morphing is not possible, it
reverts to a slower Matlab CPU implementation of morphing. For GPU
morphing, the Psychtoolbox imaging pipeline needs to be enabled by
passing an optional valid non-zero 'imagingMode' flag to the
Screen('OpenWindow', ...); call when opening the onscreen window. E.g.,
the flag 'kPsychNeedFastOffscreenWindows' would enable the pipeline.
There may be cases where either auto-detection goes wrong, or where you
don't want to use GPU based morphing, e.g., if your hardware/gfx-driver
is defective and GPU morphing doesn't work correctly, or if you want to
use the moglmorpher('renderNormals') subfunction which is not yet
supported in GPU mode, or if you want to perform benchmarking of GPU vs.
non-GPU mode. In such cases you can use this subfunction to manually
enable/disable GPU based morphing, overriding the auto-detection code.
It's important to call this function before the first invocation of any
other subfunction!
GPU based operation should be efficiently supported on all ATI Radeon
X-1000 or later hardware and all NVidia Geforce-6000 and later hardware.
GPU based operation is not supported under OpenGL-ES1.x mobile/embedded
All following subfunctions must be only called when at least one onscreen
window is open!
meshid = moglmorpher('addMesh', obj);
-- Add a new shape to the collection of shapes to be morphed. 'obj'
is a single struct that defines the object: Subfields are obj.faces,
obj.vertices, obj.texcoords, obj.normals, obj.colors. Their meaning is
the same as the corresponding parameters in the following 'addMesh'
subcommand. The 'obj' syntax is provided for convenience, as 'obj' in the
same format as provided by LoadOBJFile, i.e. obj =
LoadOBJFile('myfile.obj') will load the geometry in 'myfile.obj' into
obj, which can then be passed to moglmorpher via moglmorpher('addMesh',
obj{1}); to add the first mesh from 'myfile.obj' into the morpher.
meshid = moglmorpher('addMesh', faces, vertices [, texcoords] [, normals] [, colors]);
-- Add a new shape to the collection of shapes to be morphed. faces == Index
list that defines the topology of the shape: faces is a 3 by n vector. Each of
the n columns defines one 3D triangle face, the 3 indices in the column are
indices into the vertices, texcoords, colors and normals vectors that define the
properties of the vertices.
vertices == A 3-by-m vector that defines the shape of the object: Each of the
m columns defines the 3D position of one of the corresponding m vertices.
normals == A 3-by-m vector whose single columns define the (nx,ny,nz) components
of unit normal surface vectors. The normals vector is optional and only needed if
you want to do proper lighting calculations on your object.
texcoords == A 2-by-m vector of 2D texture coordinates for each corresponding vertex.
This vector is optional and only needed if you want to apply textures to the object.
colors == A 3-by-m or 4-by-m vector whose single columns define the
(red,green,blue [,alpha]) vertex color components of each vertex in
'vertices' of unit normal surface vectors. The colors vector is optional
and only needed if you want to do lighting calculations on your object.
Most of the time you won't use vertex colors, but instead assign a
texture for more flexibility and ease of use.
Note: The current implementation doesn't support morphing of vertex
colors. Instead it will simply use the vertex 'color' vector of the last
added mesh for the morphed output -- a fixed assignment of vertex colors.
The size and dimension of all provided vectors must match (==be identical) for all
shapes. This is required, because otherwise the linear combination of shapes and
normal vectors wouldn't be mathematically well defined.
The function call returns a index for the mesh. The index is fixed for a
given mesh unless you call moglmorpher('deleteMeshAtIndex'), in which
case the numbering may change. See 'deleteMeshAtIndex' for details.
moglmorpher('deleteMeshAtIndex', meshIndex [, dontReset=0]);
-- Delete the mesh with index 'meshIndex' from the set of keyshapes. All
keyshapes after the deleted meshIndex will "move down" one index. E.g.,
if you delete the keyshape at meshIndex = 5, then the mesh with previous
index 6 will become the new mesh with index 5, the mesh with old index 7 will
become mesh 6 and so on. You have to take this renumbering into account
for calls like moglmorpher('renderMesh') that expect the meshid, and when
passing in a morph 'weights' vector into the morphing functions, where
the ordering of elements changes accordingly.
'dontReset' optional: If set to 1 then moglmorpher doesn't 'reset' itself
when the last mesh is deleted. This saves overhead for reinit, but any
new added mesh must have the exactly same topology as the previously
deleted meshes, or bad things will happen.
moglmorpher('renderMesh', meshid);
-- Render the mesh corresponding to the handle 'meshid'.
oldEnable = moglmorpher('assumeSparseMorphWeights', enable);
-- Enable speed optimizations under the assumption that morph weight
vector contains mostly zero weights, if 'enable' is set to 1. Otherwise
optimize speed under the assumption of dense weight vectors. The default
is to assume dense vectors, ie., 'enable' == 0.
Two different algorithms are used, depending on the setting of this
switch, which have different tradeoffs. However, switching settings here
is cheap, so you could do it on a per-morph basis. The optimal choice may
depend on complexity of your keyshape models and speed of your GPU, so
your mileage will vary and you'll need to benchmark both options for
optimal speed.
moglmorpher('renderMorph', weights [,morphnormals=1]);
-- Compute a linear combination (a weighted average) of all stored meshes, as defined
by the vector 'weights'. Render the final shape.
For 'count' shapes, weight is a vector of length 'count'. The i'th scalar entry of weight
is the coefficient used to integrate the i'th shape into the morph.
moglmorpher('computeMorph', weights [,morphnormals=1]);
-- Same as 'renderMorph', just that rendering of the morphed shape is
omitted. You can render the shape later by calling the 'render' subcommand.
finalresult = sum_for_i=1_to_count(shape(i) * weights(i));
The shape (vertices) and normal vectors are linearly combined. The texture coordinates are
not altered by the morph, neither are the vertex colors. If you set the
optional argument morphnormals to zero, then normals are not touched by
morphing either.
-- Renders the last shape again. This is either the last rendered mesh or the last linear
glListHandle = moglmorpher('renderToDisplaylist');
-- Same as subcommand 'render', but the shape is not rendered as an image to the
framebuffer, but stored to a new OpenGL display list. A unique 'glListHandle' to
the new list is returned. Using this handle one can render the object
later on via the command glCallList(glListHandle); and delete it via
glDeleteLists(glListHandle, 1);
Unsupported on OpenGL-ES.
moglmorpher('renderRange' [, startfaceidx=0] [, endfaceidx]);
moglmorpher('renderRangeToDisplayList' [, startfaceidx=0] [, endfaceidx]);
-- Like 'render' and 'renderToDisplayList', except that the range of
faces (triangles or quads) can be restricted to a subrange of the mesh.
By default, the full mesh is rendered. 'startfaceidx' Allows start at
given index instead of index zero. 'endfaceidx' Allows end at
given index instead of the last face index in the mesh.
Caution: Face indices count in units of surface primitives. 1 count = 1
triangle or quad, depending on the type of your mesh.
Caution: Face indices are zero-based! The first element is at index zero.
This is different from the one-based indexing of vertices in the
functions 'renderNormals' and 'getVertexPositions', where index 1 denotes
the first vertex in the mesh.
moglmorpher('renderNormals' [,normalLength=1] [, startidx=1] [, endidx]);
-- Renders the surface normal vectors of the last shape in green, either at unit-length,
or at 'normalLength' if this argument is provided. This is a helper function for
checking the correctness of computed normals. It is very slow!
vpos = moglmorpher('getVertexPositions', windowPtr [, startidx=1] [, endidx]);
-- Compute and return a matrix which contains the projected screen space coordinates of all
vertices that would be rendered when calling moglmorpher('render'). windowPtr is the handle
of the window into which we render. Optional arguments startidx and endidx define the
index of the first vertex, resp. the last vertex to transform. The returned 'vpos' is a
vcount-by-3 matrix, where vcount is the number of returned vertices, and row i contains the
projected 3D position of the i'th vertex vcount(i,:) = (screen_x, screen_y, depth_z);
Unsupported on OpenGL-ES.
count = moglmorpher('getMeshCount');
-- Returns number of stored shapes.
textureCoordinates = moglmorpher('getTexCoords');
-- Returns current vector of textureCoordinates as used for rendering
[vertices, normals] = moglmorpher('getGeometry');
-- Returns current vector of 'vertices' and (optionally) normals as used
for rendering meshes. Call this after (at least one call to)
'computeMorph' or 'renderMorph' to retrieve the current morphed mesh.
vertices and normals are 3-by-n matrices, each column encoding the three
components (x,y,z) of a single 3D vertex position or vertex normal.
[texid, gltexid, gltextarget] = moglmorpher('morphTexture', windowPtr, morphWeights, keyTextures);
-- Compute a linear combination of the Psychtoolbox textures stored in
vector 'keyTextures', using the values in vector 'morphWeights' as
weights. Return handles to the computed (morphed) texture. 'texid' is a
Psychtoolbox texture handle (e.g., for use with Screen('DrawTexture')),
gltexid is an OpenGL texture handle and gltextarget is an OpenGL texture
target. The texture could be used for rendering, e.g., onto a surface via
glBindTexture(gltextarget, gltexid); and disabled again via
glBindTexture(gltextarget, 0);
Input textures must be rectangle textures and the output texture will be
a rectangle texture. The morphed texture 'texid' is owned by moglmorpher.
You must not close it or bad things will happen!
-- Resets the moglmorpher - deletes all internal data structures.
moglmorpher() supports use of more than one morph context. This is useful
if you have to morph multiple separate morph-models. You can create
and setup one dedicated context for each such model. Then you can switch
between contexts before executing moglmorpher() commands. The commands
will always apply to the current set context. Once you're done, you can
delete contexts.
Context switching is not free! It comes at a modest cost in terms of
computation time spent if you have GPU based morphing enabled. It can
consume significant time if you use software only morphing with models of
non-trivial size.
Use of these functions is optional. If you don't use them to create your
own contexts, moglmorpher will create a single default context and use
that. This ensures backwards compatibility to old scripts and
single-context scripts.
context = moglmorpher('createContext' [, windowPtr]);
-- Create a new morphing context, attached to onscreen window 'windowPtr'
- or the default window if 'windowPtr' is omitted. Return it in
'context'. If you want to setup and then use the 'context', you will need
to call 'setContext'.
oldcontext = moglmorpher('setContext', context);
-- Set 'context' as the new morph context, return the previously set
current context optionally in 'oldcontext'. All other moglmorpher()
commands always operate on the current morph context until you change the
morphcontext to a new current morph context with this 'setContext'
command. If you don't use 'setContext' in your scripts, moglmorpher will
automatically create and bind a default context for use. This ensures
backwards compatibility to scripts which don't need multiple morph
currentContext = moglmorpher('getContext');
-- Return the currently set morph context. If 'createContext' and
'setContext' weren't used, this is the default context which was
automatically created by moglmorpher.
context = moglmorpher('deleteContext', context);
-- Delete given 'context' and release all its associated resources,
return an emptied out copy in the optional return argument 'context'.
IMPORTANT: You *must* delete all contexts with this method which have
been created by 'createContext', otherwise you will leak resources!
The exception is the currently bound context, which will get deleted
automatically if moglmorpher('reset'); is called, but not otherwise!
If in doubt, call this on each of your contexts and then some...
One convenient way to release all resources and clean out all contexts is
to call "clear all", this will reset everything. However, do not use
"clear all" inside scripts which are supposed to work within GNU/Octave!
Only call at the command prompt.