LoadOBJFile - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
objobject=LoadOBJFile(modelname [, debug] [, preparse])
Load an Alias/Wavefront ASCII-OBJ file and return description of corresponding 3D
models in 'objobject'. The current implementation will only consider polygons
with 3 or 4 vertices per polygon, corresponding to OpenGL GL_TRIANGLES or GL_QUADS.
The routine can only parse ASCII OBJ files, not the (more disk space efficient)
binary files. It will also ignore any part of the OBJ specification that is not a
polygon mesh, e.g., NURBS. It will also ignore any kind of .mtl material/texture
definition files.
'modelname' Filename of the OBJ file to read.
'debug' (Optional) If set to non-zero, some debug output is written to the Matlab prompt.
'preparse' (Optional) If set to non-zero (default), some preparsing is
done to speed up loading of large OBJ files. Preparsing assumes that all
vertices, texture coordinates and face indices contain 3 components. If
loading of your OBJ file fails, retry with preparse==0 to use a more
generic but slow loader.
Return values:
'objobject' objobject is a cell array of structs. For each mesh in the
OBJ file, a single cell is created in objobject. Each cell contains a
struct whose subfields contain all information about the mesh. A struct
consists of the following fields:
faces == 3-by-count or 4-by-count elements index matrix: Each of the 'count' columns
defines one of 'count' polygons. Each polygon is defined by an integer index into
the vertices, normals, texcoords arrays. Polygons can be triangles or quadrilaterals.
vertices == A m-by-n vector of vertex position definitions: Each of the n columns
defines the position of one of n vertices. m Can be 2 for 2D points, 3 for 3D points
or 4 for 3D points with additional 'w' component.
texcoords == Optional 2-by-n vector of texture coordinates.
normals == Optional 3-by-n vector of surface normals.
If a mesh contains triangle-definitions and quad-definitions, the triangle
definitions will be returned in 'faces' whereas the Quads will be returned in
'quadfaces'. If only one type of primitives is defined, it will always be returned
in 'faces'. It is possible but uncommon for a OBJ file to not contain 'faces' at all.
subMeshName = String with the name of the sub-mesh stored in cell, as
defined by the 'g' (geometry group) parameter. Can be empty if no
explicit group names are defined.
mtllib = Name of the .mtl material library definition file which contains
things like textures and rendering parameters for the object. Can be
empty if no such file is defined.
usemtl = Cell array of material selectors. Can be empty, or have
arbitrarily many cells. Each cell defines which material from the
material library file 'mtllib' should be selected for rendering a subset
of the quad- or triangle-faces in a submesh. Each cell has these
materialName = String with name of material to select from mtllib.
triStartIndex = Startindex (Starting with 0 for first element) of the
first triangle face to render with given materialName.
quadStartIndex = Startindex (Starting with 0 for first element) of the
first quad face to render with given materialName.
Example: Assuming the OBJ file contains exactly one triangle mesh, you'll
be able to access its data as: objobject{1}.faces --> faces of the mesh,
objobject{1}.vertices --> vertex definitions, ...
nobjects = length(objobject); Will return the number of meshes in the OBJ
file in 'nobjects'. objobject{i}.vertices would return the vertex
definition array of the i'th mesh in the OBJ file.
This loader is an improved/modified version of the loader from MATLAB-Central, written by:
W.S. Harwin, University Reading, 2006